Blacklist Sir4Slave


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Nov 7, 2016
This guy has created a tumblr account under my name without my permission giving away personal information of mine (my personal kik and also infor from here) on it. Here is a copied and pasted PM he has sent me: "For your ignorance, disobedience & disrespect to me I've created an app for the public to view you & it will not be deleted by me ever.
My Kik is Sir__Kn1ght (that's 2x underscores) if you want to discuss things further & have either blocked or deleted me" I'd like to have him blacklisted until he deletes the account as this is not acceptable behaviour! If you agree with me please bombard his PM asking to delete the account until he does! His username is sir4slave! Thanks!


Kink Talk Guru
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Dec 6, 2015
First off. Without screenshots or similar it's hard to prove what you claim. So here's some basics
Report him on kik. That's a start. If you don't know how it's under options like when you block someone. Also address the issue with tumblr support.
If you wish to go further you need screenshots and hard proof of what's happened then you can take it to local authorities who can help you persue federally against him if in fact what you say is true. Without permission if he is falsely representing himself as you or slandering your identify you can have charges brought up against him. Especially if pics or vids are involved. You will have to prove whatever info he has that you have not provided it to him voluntarily of course. Hope this helps


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Staff member
Jan 12, 2015
I agree with slave madison
Had also made an tumblr account using my information
Without any
He had pisted te link to my post
Sharing the link.
Request you all again to block him and make him ban forever

He was blocked last week. Staff requests next time you have issues with this you report it so it can be dealt with in the proper channels. You'll have to contact Tumblr if you want your information removed from there.

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