Cable ties for tits

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I have covered using rope and rubber bands to tie up tits now on to cable ties. Sometimes called zip ties these are available in many sizes from hardware stores and are used mostly for electrical work so look for them in that section.

WARNING - Cable ties are very strong and designed not to break so make sure you have a good pair of safety scissors or small side cutters at all times to remove them. DO NOT attempt to start playing with them unless you are prepared. They are easily over-tightened as the ratchet action of the tie will pull it closed more but not allow any opening.

That said you can have great fun with them, they are very quick to apply and will hold really well. Due to the smooth plastic they can be a little slippy on the skin so start with clean dry skin and use the "droop" method to start them off. This is simply standing bent forward so your tits hang down elongating them and making it easier to wrap around the base.

Have a look at this album for some creative ideas;
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Thanks for contributing and also for sharing your experience in the photos you posted. Anyone else going to give these a try?

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
A new cable tie experiment

I am currently working on a design to make a tit cage using cable ties. Basically this is a softer version of the metal bra cages I made a few years back (can be seen in my album of Painful Bras) and more adaptable. I have had a few goes previously using cable ties and chopsticks but it never really worked as I wanted. Now with the help of a kt member I have come up with a revised version and am looking for more volunteers to test it. So far the prototype I have started is looking promising but if you have any suggestions for improvement let me know, also if you would like to be a test subject get in touch (by pm if you want to remain anonymous) as I want to make this a regular addition to my toy box.

So the instructions, you will need about 20 large cable ties, size to suit your tits of course, some bamboo skewers and some drinking straws. On this prototype I used regular straws but will be changing to the larger type you get with think shakes or slush drinks as they have more room.

Start with a base band large enough to fit around your tit (use 1 long one or chain a few to suit) and attach 6 around it as struts.
cable tie tit cage 02.jpg

Now slip a straw over each strut and slide a bamboo skewer into the straw also.

cable tie tit cage 03.jpg

Push them up snug to the ends.

cable tie tit cage 04.jpg

And repeat until you have all six struts with a straw and skewer.

The next part I am waiting on a successful trial on a model to get a photo but it goes like this.
Slip the base ring over each tit and cinch down until it grips nicely, pull the struts down onto your tit and so the ends meet together in front of your nipple. Hold in place with tape or rubber bands and add another cable tie ring around the whole lot about 50cm (2") from the base. Depending on tit size you should be able to get one more ring further out again.

This will work best with larger, droopy tits, when fitting the base standing leaning forwards so tits hang down will give best results.

More to come as the experiment proceeds...

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
You're quite welcome to become one the test subjects, I already have 2 other working on it so the more the merrier! Just contact me by pm if you need any further instructions.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013

One of our members recently had a go at this, she did a variation using only zip ties without the stiffening of the skewers. I think it worked out remarkably well, the effect is really wonderful and really achieved the spirit of the idea.



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Jun 19, 2017

They also have zip ties that you can loosen them, those could be safer, sadly I have tiny tits and can't squeeze them much😞

Feel free to Kik me and ask my bondage torture experience

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
They also have zip ties that you can loosen them,

Yes you're quite right, the reusable ties are available but usually only in large sizes and they tend to be a lot more expensive.
As for boob size, their use is really only limited by how determined you are as with this pair of tiny teats.
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