Homemade Different boob binding materials

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
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  • Private
May 19, 2013
Something that often comes up with subs keen to start binding their boobs is that they don't have anything to use. In fact there is almost always going to be something in your house you can use to bind your boobs with.
Not all these things are created equal however, some work a lot better than others but in a pinch you can get started with nothing more than a quick treasure hunt around your home. Common starter materials are things like dressing gown cords or shoe laces, the main problem with these kinds of things is they are quite short and as anyone who has bound their boobs will know it actually needs quite a decent length to wrap them properly. Using the formula you may recall from school, π D or pi x diameter you'll find that if your boobs are say 10cm across that's roughly 32cm around. So just 3 wraps of one boob and a whole meter of material is used up.

So what are some other things you can use that will give you a good fun result?
The first I'll talk about is tape. Pretty much everyone has some tape around the house and this can be a good, quick go to if you really want to jump in. Not all tape will give you a neat result, notice below while the black electrical tape looks nice the brown packing tape is a bit messy. They will all do the job just some work better than others.
Also just be aware that some people will be allergic to the adhesive, if in doubt do a test by sticking a piece on the inside of your forearm between your wrist and elbow. Leave it there for 10 minutes then check to see if there is any sign of irritation or reaction. If not then you should be good to play.

electrical tape.jpg packing tape.jpg

Next up, bandages! Yup, this simple staple of every first aid kit works really well for binding boobs. You can use regular or elastic bandage and even adhesive types but again as with tape if you do use an adhesive one check you aren't allergic to it first.
adhesive bandage.jpg elastic bandage.jpg

Now onto something a bit more "out there", wire. This is probably not so common around the house for everyone but some people have it on hand. There are a bunch of different types but the most common will be electrical wire (various types), fencing wire and thin wire used in all kinds of ways. With all types of wire be sure to have wire cutters on hand to get yourself out of trouble if you find you can't undo it.

electrical wire.jpgfencing wire.jpgthin wire.jpg

There are a whole bunch of other things that work really well, luggage straps, rubber bands (covered in detail here) as well as things like string and twine. And then if all else fails just combine everything you can find!

luggage straps.jpgtwine.jpgeverything.jpg

Now some of you may have noticed a bit of a theme in the photos I supplied here, all of them are being used to create a full length wrap. I really enjoy this kind of full length binding using it to make various types of boob sausages or even tit towers that stand erect on their own.
In general this kind of spread binding is good for longer binding periods as it tends to spread the loading out rather than concentrating it in one area, of course that relies on you making sure the binding is even not digging on too much in any one place. As always though be aware of their condition at all times and follow my guide on boob binding safety to ensure you don't over do it.
A final safety reminder, always keep scissors or wire cutters on hand when playing like this. If you need to unbind quickly they will be the fastest way.

If anyone is inspired by this we'd love to hear your adventures on how it goes, if you're not the shy type please feel free to include a photo or two.
Do you have any other things you've used to bind your boobs successfully? Please share so others can learn from your experiences.
As usual any comments, questions or suggestions are always welcome, just post them here or you can DM me direct if you're shy of attention.
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