
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Switch
Dec 10, 2009
*Editors note. I've changed the page layout, so it's printer friendly.*

The girls sat around at the picnic tables, everybody in bin bags
of humiliation apart from Heidi, who had managed to do the tasks
and keep her clothes.

"What a full on morning of play that was." Jenny remarked.

"Epic fun, I couldn't help myself in the trench I just subbed
and crumbled." Alison replied.

"Yeah, it's unusual for you to go early, I thought you would last
a lot longer than I." Jenny quipped in.

"What about Debs and the flying tit butt on the airmen!" Karen

"DEBS, DEBS, DEBS!" The girls chanted.

"Well, keep it under your bin bags but! There was a reason for it,
I fancy him." Debs revealed.

"I knew it, I was about to say." Heidi remarked.

"Well, he's over there talking to Mistress, probably about this
afternoon's play. Grab your chance and find out if he free or not?
As soon as Mistress leaves make your move." Claire announced.

"Wonder if we are spending the afternoon in these bin bags?" Jenny

"No idea, but if this morning was anything to go by, there will
be a lot more muck, severe humiliation, degrading and general
tom foolery put our way. Which is brilliant. Oh, and hopefully
we'll all get fucked senseless by somebody of our choosing." Karen

Claire and Jenny nudged Debs as Mistress was walking away from the
airmen and enjoying a bite to eat. Debs seized the moment and
got up and walked over to him. Then pretended to drop something just
past him, so she had to bend down in her bin bag and revealed
her arse and pussy in front of him. Not forgetting the embarrassing
sign written on the back of her bin bag!

The girls turned their attention to the afternoon's play.

"Well, what do you think, we're in for this afternoon?" Jenny asked.

There was a pause, Karen was about to speak when Claire made a

"I have something to say, I really, REALLY, want fucking by Mistress
in that trench. I have no idea why! I just really want pounding in
there while you girls either watch or pour vile things over me."
Claire declared.

"It's ok bin bag girl, its only normal at one of these events. It
can be arranged." Hazel announced.

"Bitch!" Claire giggled as Heidi walked away to find Mistress and
sort out Claire's fantasy.

At least this time we got some lunch, on the last event I was tied
to a cross Claire, and left there. Karen was put in a cage in a rank
pond, Alison was also put on a cross, in hosiery. This finished her,
as she was basically close to orgasm all the time. Then to add salt
to the wounds, Mistress covered me in dog food!" Jenny regaled her

"EEW, but cool, in a humiliating and degrading destroyed manner."
Claire replied.

The girls actually got some lunch at this event. Mistress re-appeared
in a wetsuit no less? Debs came back and just smiled to the girls,
looked like she might have got a certain airmen's number. Karen spent
a couple of minutes with her man. Alison sat giggling with Claire and
Jenny about being in a bin bag, in the middle of an air base.

Lots of little piggies went to market:

Suddenly the girls noticed a platoon of men running down from the
assault course area in their green combats. Mistress walked up and
stopped their platoon leader. The platoon approached the tables where
the girls were sitting, what's happening now they thought? The girls
got together. Still in their bin bags!

Mistress shouted, with a commanding stair that got the girls in

"Yes Mistress." The girls replied in unison.

They got up and moved round to the front of the tables in their
humiliation bin bags, with I have submitted written on the front,
vagina's on show.

"Well platoon, as you can see five out my six girls, have submitted,
Heidi on the other hand is a stubborn pig! So we will now put all of
them through some very embarrassing, public humiliation!" Mistress

The platoon looked excited, the lads also loved it, they started
cheering and egging Mistress on.

"Right sluts climb onto the picnic tables facing away from the platoon
and get those asses in the air." Mistress ordered.

The girls looked at each other and prepared to complete Mistress's

"You too Heidi, on the end in your reeking, smelly, destroyed satin
office, slut attire." Mistress declared.

The girls did it, they climbed onto the tables got on all fours facing
away from the platoon. Well Deb's and Claire were on show from the
moment they clambered up, Alison and Karen followed suit, their vaginas
on total show. Jenny climbed up next to Heidi. Mistress signalled to the
airmen, all the ladies in bin bags had their outfits removed. Once more
they were naked apart from their heels. The airmen cheered and whooped.
Mistress let wolf whistles and degrading comments in from the platoon
as well. Jenny found this very arousing. It was obvious to the whole
platoon, she was becoming damp around her vagina from the degrading
shouts / chants.

Mistress went into her bag and got out some pig tails, ears and noses.
She then lodged the tails in the naked ladies asses, the girls put the
ears and noses on. Heidi did not have to, as she just stank in her

"Right gentlemen, lets feed the piggies, we'll have a line in front of
the pigs and I need six men on spanking duties." Mistress announced.

The platoon splits up eighteen men formed a line. With six other guys
standing behind each one of the ladies with a big wooden spoon issued
by Mistress. Each guy in the line up was given a bucket of slop from
the cook-house.

"Right gents, the rules: You may pour or throw your bucket of slop
over which ever piggy as you see fit. If the piggy does not do well
enough she will be spanked. At the end of the event, if the piggies
have not done well enough, Heidi forfeits all of her clothes!"
Mistress announced.

"OH fuck!" Heidi replied, with a shocked look on her face.

The first guys moved down the line, throwing and pouring buckets over
Claire's naked body.

"Thank you sirs, OINK, OINK!" Claire half shouted, with a hint of
a sexual gasp.

Jenny was next, she got a bucket poured all over her, and down her ass,
trying to dis-lodge her tail for fun.

"OINK, OINK, SIR!" Jenny too, joined the sexual shouting chorus!

Alison was next, she got half a bucket in the face, then the rest
thrown over her breasts!

"Thank you, sir, very kind of you, Oink." Alison giggled.

Debs got two buckets poured over her from a great height splattering
everybody present.

"BAD PIGGY!, start the spanking." Mistress shouted out with
authority the bad piggy command.

As the line moved along, pouring disgusting buckets of waste from the
lunch service at the base over the five girls, the spoons started to
pound the piggy's bottoms, turning them a nice bright red colour.

"OH FUCK, OW, Muck, yes, paddling not sure. Orgasm, want YES!"
Karen half shouted. Her brain exploring the new sexual sensations.

Claire started laughing and nodded her head to agree.

"HOLD IT!" Mistress shouted, as she knew one lady needed
more mess.

Mistress grabbed Heidi and lay her down in front of the tables
where the girls kneeled. Heidi lay in the slop that had pooled on
the floor. Mistress signalled, the line restarted. Every time the
middle girls got a bucket over them, Heidi got all the slop off the
tables all over her destroyed satin office attire.

"Dear god." Heidi spluttered under the torrent of mess.

Well, every one of them got drenched, in cook-house slop. Heidi was
slightly jealous as she did not get spanked, or tit slapped. She just
had to lie in the dire slop. What a reeking mess again, the girls got
totally humiliated in the process. A lot of Oinking regaled the base
air as well!

The line finished Mistress assessed the situation.

"Not good enough ladies, Heidi get up off the slop riddled floor and
STRIP, YOU BITCH!" Mistress voice powered in with the
stripping command.

The platoon and the lads loved it. Heidi also secretly enjoyed every
moment of it. As she was forced to strip down to her heels with up to
thirty lads watching her. Bliss in her eyes. Boy did she give them an
eyeful she turned away and bent right over. They all got an excellent
view of her gunged pussy, she also made sure they copped a good look
at her breasts as well. She handed her clothes over to the airmen.
Now all the ladies were naked apart from their heels.

Mistress thanked the platoon for stopping. Then instructed them to go
to their barracks and masturbate all night over her sluts in the muck.

Sexually Broken:

The girls now covered in swill and muck again, followed Mistress back
to the trench. Claire started getting very giddy, was she about to
get the fucking she had dreamed of earlier on. Wonder if that's why
Mistress is in a wetsuit is she about to get stuck into Claire in the

As the girls arrived, they noticed some bottled water and towels,
Mistress handed the bottled water out and informed the girls to wash
themselves down and then put the towels on. The girls could not believe
their luck, and did as asked.

"Now here we are, all dry and wrapped up in our blankets, shame all
your hair is fucked up! Face's covered in muck, but there we are!"
Mistress laughed.

The girls watched as the airmen came over, and handed out plastic bags
to them, with what looked like an outfit in each one. Heidi was the
first to pull hers out of the bag.

"Oh, white satin pjs, very nice and shiny, also very white!" Heidi

"Oh, me too." Claire replied.

"Yep, looks like we're all in the white satin pjs club now. Wonder how
long we will stay clean in them?" Debs laughed.

The girls noted they also had white flat shoes to put on, so they did
as instructed and all got dressed. Then formed a line in the white satin
outfits near to the trench for a second time. Jenny noticed the lads had
got changed, all their partners were now wearing T-shirts and shorts.
Something was afoot, they were in pristine outfits again, the lads had
got changed. Jenny got a feeling they were going to get destroyed again!

"Something is afoot!" Karen whispered. Her eyes glancing round to
make an assessment.

"I agree, but these white pjs feel lush against my body, though I get the
feeling in a short while they will be a disgusting mix of brown colours
and we'll stink to high heaven again." Alison quietly added.


Claire buckled slightly it was going to happen she was going to get
annihilated in the trench by Mistress. The front of the trench was
pointed to Claire gulped and knew it was time. She moved over to the
front, she looked in it was worse than before, as it was all
churned up in there, bearing in mind it was waist deep at the
shallowest point. Her white pjs would get totalled.

Suddenly Karen's man walked out of the group of lads, and grabbed
Karen by the hair, and pulled her to the other end of the trench.

"On your knees, bitch!" He ordered. He looked her squarely in the

Karen dropped, what is going on?

"Right, nice to see you over there Karen's man. What we will do is
push the sluts in, then force them into the middle. Then we will both
fuck them into oblivion, alongside head dunking, submerging and
disgusting hair washes. Of course, all this while we sexually destroy
them." Mistress revealed.

Karen looked at her man, he had done it again! Slipped something into
the event she wanted, and not told her. She gasped under her breath
at the thought of being taken in the trench in front of Alison and the
girls. Karen found herself at the other end of the trench looking
at Claire. Claire too was sexually a mess, her fantasy about to become

"GO, GET IN BITCHES!" Mistress shouted.

Claire dropped in, straight up to her waist, her pjs pants went brown
from the muck, she waded through as fast as she could. The girls
cheered. Claire turned her head and saw Mistress putting a dildo on over
her wetsuit. Karen slipped in right up to her breasts as she was at the
deep end of the trench she too started to wade towards Claire. It was
difficult, the sloppy muck was heavy. They headed for the middle, so the
girls could see through the barbed wire roof, into the trench of sexual

Karen kept wading through, she heard her man drop into the trench. SPLOSH!

"COMING FOR YOU SLUT!" As he shouted, his voice dominated
her both mentally and physically.

Claire got round the first right angle turn. Mistress had already pretty
much caught up with her. Claire's mind raced would she get to the centre
to see Karen get fucked into oblivion like her? Or would she slip, go
under and get destroyed where she fell!

Claire and Karen made it to the middle, held hands, glanced at each as they
knew it was coming.

"Go for it, get a good fucking." Karen whispered in Claire's ear.

That was it, Karen's man reached Karen. He pulled her back and pushed
her into the muck on her back. Karen submerged for a second in her
pristine white pjs jacket, he pulled her back up she was a brown lump.
He pushed her against the trench wall, and started to pull her pants

"FUCK HER HARD." Jenny shouted.

"Yeah give her a good length." Heidi quipped. Adding to the sexual
tension of the moment for Karen.

"God, yes, now in front of all them." Karen submissively gasped.

Claire watched as Karen went under, and turned a disgusting shade of
brown. Mistress caught Claire, her hands groped the front of Claire's
satin pjs. Claire buckled, as the pristine colour got brown muddy
streaks smeared all over it.

"Bath time!" Mistress ordered.

Claire got pushed down onto her knees in the trench, Mistress then
dunked her face first in the muck. Pulled her back up and tore her
pjs jacket open.

"God, yes, fucking destroy me in public." Claire blurted.

Once more she dunked Claire her breasts exposed to the group.

at Claire after shouting, to tell her to get some.

Claire tried to pull forward, but was forced up against the trench
wall. Mistress tore her pants down, moved in behind her, and slid
the strap-on, into her vagina in all that slop.

"God, yes, hard Mistress, hard!" Claire gasped, her face impregnated
in the muddy trench wall.

Mistress responded. Claire started getting pumped hard up against the
trench wall. Mistress's free hand smeared mud all over her face and
hair. Then once again pushed her face into the muddy trench wall.

"Yes, please, yes!" Claire blurted
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  • Straight
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  • Switch
Dec 10, 2009
Karen was pulled back from the trench wall, it obviously going to be
a humiliating, public, rough fuck. He bent her over in the middle of
the trench. Karen felt him feeling round for her vagina, she obliged
and bent over more. He was in. GOD! was he hard. Karen got her
face and jacket pushed into the muck, while he fucked her doggy
style in her trench of sexual hell.

"Yes, babe, in front of them, take me hard, now!" Karen called out
loudly her voice in sexual ecstasy.

He did just that pumping her hard, her tits jiggled around inside her
pjs jacket. That was now a disgusting brown colour.

Mistress pushed Claire forward while she fucked her. The thrust's
getting harder.

"Tear open Karen's jacket now, Claire. Then fondle her breasts!"
Mistress voice sounded stern as she issued her order.

Karen stood up slightly and made her jacket available. Claire tore it
straight open and rubbed her breasts. Karen moved forward slightly
and openly kissed Claire.

Wolf whistles went up from the girls and the airmen watching. Karen's
man loved it and really pounded Karen hard.

Karen came away from the kiss and called out to her man.


Karen's man was on the job. Mistress forced Claire back into the muck
face down and proceeded to pound her with the strap on.

"Get that face in their slut, wash your hair!" Mistress ordered.

Claire did as requested, and slammed her face and hair into the muck.
Claire's breathing was extremely heavy, she was sexually on fire.

Mistress pulled Claire back up out of the muck in the trench, her hair
was reeking mess, matted with lots of disgusting mud.

"God, oh god, yes!" Claire gasped.

Mistress pushed the back of her white satin jacket up and placed her
hands under her stomach and really gave Claire a long hard

"GOD YES!" Claire screamed as she came.

"GIVE IT TO HER MISTRESS." Heidi shouted, as she egged Mistress on.
Though she had to contain her hands from diving into her own pjs to
masturbate herself.

"Get out of the pit and get on all fours in front of the girls."
Karen's man instructed. He pulled off Karen so she could get out.

Karen pulled her pjs bottoms back up. Dragged her way back through
the sloppy trench, got herself out. Then turned round and helped her
man out. His penis was totally erect. Karen proceeded to massage his
shaft openly in front of the girls.

"On your knees, I'm going to make you look like a slut and cum in
your face!" Karen's man ordered.

Karen obeyed. The girls wolf whistled and cheered, as Karen's man went
to work with his penis right in Karen's face. Sure enough, within a
minute he came with several long streams right on target. Karen's face
was strewn with mud and cum!

Mistress still pounded away with the strap on. Claire just held onto
the trench walls. Her fantasy complete. She was seriously fucked!

Claire looked up and saw Heidi looking into the trench. She just
smiled at Heidi as a thank you. After having a minute or so to recover,
she made her way to the end. Heidi and Alison helped her out. Mistress
went back the way she came and was helped out by the airmen.

"Well, that was officially an awesome, messy fucking session." Alison

Karen's white pjs were destroyed. Claire was the same, both sets of
jackets were torn open, both pairs of pants heavy with mud. In fact
Claire's were so heavy, they kept slipping down, forcing shattered
Claire to wipe some of the mud off.

Karen and Claire joined the group but stayed at the back, dripping in
slop. Slowly recovering from an awesome muddy fucking.

Dirty Demise:

The girls followed Mistress back to the first obstacle, it would
appear this was going to be the last obstacle as well. As the girls
arrived they looked round, and saw that the pit now had two ladders
over the top of them to use to traverse across. The pit looked
disgusting, it was a churned up mess from the earlier session. Bliss!
Also, there were tables with pies on and cartons of custard. The
girls could also see orange buckets, maybe two dozen of them. Looked
like emulsion paint and some buckets of swill. This was going to be
epic on the destruction scale.

"Right bitches. We have a present for you. At the end of the last
event, you all got a quick destructive fucking for your misfortune
on the day. Well, this time it's going to be bad, REALLY BAD!"
Mistress laughed.

The girls looked at each other, Claire and Karen were destroyed sexual
sluts from the trench. Though they all looked over the obstacle, the
girls relished the idea of getting mucked up again.

"You have to get across the ladders you can do this either by
traversing underneath using the bars, or crawl along the top. Either
way you're screwed as the ladders are covered in grease. WOOPSIE!"
Mistress revelled in evilness.

Jenny's man spoke up. "Also us lads and the airmen will be helping
out, by throwing and pouring muck. We will be giving all of you a
verbal tongue lashing, as we rain down on you with the appropriate
amount of degrading, humiliating, verbal abuse for your dirty demise.
Especially you Jenny as you're a fucking slut! Add this to the fact
that, when you fall in the pit, and you will! We will tear your satin
attire to shreds and then take you hard in the rags you are left
wearing. You are all about to get well and truly FUCKED!"

Well Jenny, just wobbled at the knees, it was to cool for school.
Debs looked at her new airmen friend to tell him, he was going to
fuck her in public. Alison revelled in the though of getting
destroyed, what a day.

"Lets have one clean and one mucky to start, lets pit friends against
each other! Who will be the first in the pit!" Mistress laughed.

Mistress pointed to Alison and Karen. Alison lined up on the left
and Karen on the right. Karen tried to get her jacket to stop falling
open but it was useless, she had too many tears and rips in it from
her man fucking her in the trench. Some of the lads jumped into the
pit waiting for the girls to try and traverse the ladders. Karen went
first, she went for the under route by attempting to hang on to the
bars. As Mistress had stated the ladder rungs were covered in grease
making it difficult to get any grip at all. Alison was braver and
Climbed on top and started to push herself across. Her white pj
bottoms getting grease stuck all over them as she attempted the

Well the lads waited until Alison had made it about a quarter of the
way across, then they started. First there were the mud bombs thrown
at Alison from underneath in the pit. These started splatting all over
her pristine satin white pjs. This was bad, yet Alison kept sliding
forward. Everything was doable until the airmen, threw the first
bucket of emulsion paint. This pink paint hit Alison all down her left
side and soaked the attire in heavy stinking liquid. Alison slid
forward on top of the ladder and started slipping all over the place,
it was too greasy! Now, as promised, they opened fire with a volley
of strongly worded degrading verbal abuse. Aimed at breaking Alison
down to sexual jelly. The words fired at Alison, did their job well.
They used just the right amount of sexual taunts, mixed with some
personal verbal humiliation. Alison faltered on top of the ladder,
the mixture of the clothes, the mess, the location, topped with the
well worded verbal abuse, had started to sexually break her down.

Karen made it across four rungs of the ladder, her breasts totally
exposed as she tried to move. A hail of custard was launched at her
from one of the tables to her right. Two buckets of swill followed
in her direction, the first swamped her in the face. Now it was time
for a delivery of disgusting, degrading, messy verbal taunts. Karen
too felt herself starting collapse sexually from the two pronged
assault. This combined combination caused Karen to lose her grip.

"God, no, I'm slipping!" Karen cried out.

Now was the time, a second bucket filled with custard was thrown.
This landed in Karen's face and on her breasts and splashed up on
her hands. Karens left hand slipped off the rung. She dangled by
one arm. Mistress pulled a pearler of a moment, and pied Karen in
the face whilst she was dangling by one hand. It was too much Karen
let go and fell into the pit.

"OH CRAP!" Karen shouted as she went under. Arse first!

As Karen resurfaced her man moved in, pulled her hair back and
pushed her down into the muck. Then started tearing her pjs jacket
to pieces.

"You're getting fucked in rags, this time, you fucking slut!" He

Alison looked over and saw Karen slipping about in the pit, her man
tearing her pjs to pieces. 'Only a matter of time before he fucks
her hard again' she thought.

Mistress signalled to Jenny to go take over Karen's place. Jenny
stepped forward, she too went for the under technique. Her pristine
white pjs got hit with a barrage of mud, and pink emulsion paint.
Her man hurled sexual abuse at Jenny. Strangely Jenny made it
further than Karen and continued to keep going.

"GO ON GIRL!" Alison shouted from on top of her ladder.

Alison moved forward again, only to get hit in the face with more
pink emulsion, she tried to clear her face as it splattered
everywhere, her hand slipped and left the ladder. Her balance went
and she slipped to her right and fell off the ladder straight into
the pit, back first. SPLOSH! The lads moved in and started swamping
Alison in mud and pies. Custard rained down splurging Alison as she
tried to get up. The airmen grabbed hold of her pjs jacket and
pants, distinctive tearing sounds were heard as the seams parted
from the fabric.

"God, DESTROY me, then FUCK me!" Alison blurted from under
a hail of muck and clothes ripping.

Debs was next, she took Alison place on the left ladder. Debs went
for the same approach as Jenny and went under, passing one arm
in front of the other trying to get a grip. Well her new airmen
friend stepped in with pie after pie! Debs took them in the face,
breasts and several pounded into her crotch. She tried to move
forward, the airmen seized the moment and de bagged her!

"Cheeky Bastard, I love it!" Debs quipped.

Then instinctively took her hand off the rung to pull her pants up!
Well, she lost her grip and fell in feet first.

"Class, love it." Mistress announced, as Debs went in with a SPLAT!

The airmen dived into the pit.

"I owe you a good fucking from this morning." Deb's new friend

With that he pushed Debs up against the pit wall and tore her jacket
open, and massaged her breasts and pussy with rank mud.

"Yes, NOW, do me NOW." Debs urged him.

Mistress pointed to Heidi, to go onto the left ladder.

"Have no fear, Heidi's here." Heidi pipped up, as she opted for the
going on top of the ladder routine.

Jenny kept going despite Debs rather short attempt! Custard bombarded
her, soaking her pjs to a yellow colour all over her breasts and neck.
This was followed by swill, lots of it, all aimed at her sleeves and
jacket making them very heavy. Then her man, sealed her fate, he
stood underneath her. Seized his moment and de bagged Jenny in front
of everyone, then pulled her down into the pit.

"BASTARD, YOU UTTER CHEAT!" Jenny shouted as she fell into his arms.

Her man turned round dunked her straight into the pit until Jenny was
totally submerged then slowly pulled her up, so she was made to drip
in the rank mud.

"Cough, splutter. Fucking ace, do it again, in fact power bomb me in!"
Jenny blurted.

Well, Jenny's man was surprised, she'd only ever had fantasy's about
this. So he approached, picked her up, put her on his shoulders,
with her facing him, lifted her up and pushed her backwards. Jenny
went right up. Heidi stopped on her ladder.

"What the fuck! It's always the quiet ones!"

Jenny was airborne as she headed towards the muck, back first. She
tore open her own jacket! Then shouted.


Jenny was totally submerged in the muck, at least a foot under! What
an utterly messy sight. Her man moved in to help her back up. Jenny
was utterly drenched in the muck and slop, her white pjs now a
disgusting brown and black colour. Well, she made her move. Jenny
tore off her man's pants in the pit and started to blow job him in
front of everybody.

"Well, I did not expect that!" Remarked Mistress.

Claire approached the ladder, but never got there. Mistress came up
behind her and pushed her in face first.

"Oh crap!" Called out Claire her fate sealed, her breasts on show,
her jacket already ruined.

Then Mistress got in the pit herself and started rocking the ladder
with Heidi on, to help out the lads.

"No, I'm the queen of clean. I'm not going in." Giggled Heidi from
her rather unstable location!

Mistress shouted.

Heidi held on to the ladder, for all she was worth. The rocking

"No, no, not a chance. I'm still here." Heidi called out from the top.

Well, one of the airmen climbed on top of the ladder and started to
approach Heidi. Heidi stood up on top of the rungs and looked at him
smiled and then jumped for it.

"LOOK OUT BELOW." Heidi shouted as she went into a ball in her satin
pjs and then went under with a huge SPLOSH!

Mistress looked somewhat bemused by the moment, then wasted no time
in dragging Heidi round the pit, swamping her now ruined pjs in even
more muck.

"Get ready to be fucked, you slut Heidi. I owe you a good fucking!"
Mistress ordered.

Heidi tried to stand, but being dragged round the pit had totally
engulfed her in muck and slop. Mistress pushed her up against the pit
wall and tore her jacket open, then openly fondled Heidi's breasts in
front of everyone. Mistress added a few slaps to the face to get Heidi
into submissive mode.

"Yes, Mistress, now if you wish Mistress." Heidi gasped softly as she

Mistress put her hand into the muck and slid three fingers into
Heidi's vagina and started to work her hard. Heidi subbed and pushed
hard against the pit wall, so Mistress could have her way.

Mistress looked round to survey the scene. Karen was in rags being
pounded hard by her man. As he had promised, for the second time.
Debs was being given a seriously sexy seeing to from her new airmen
friend. Alison was being spit roasted by a couple of airmen who had
been helping out. Once she had surrendered to the pit, she had openly
asked to be taken by numerous men. Jenny was in the deepest part of
the pit with her man, he was pounding her hard against the wall.
Claire was frigging herself in a frenzy in the corner. Mistress
turned her attention to Heidi.

"Right! Time to take you with the strap on." Mistress demanded.

"Yes Mistress, do as you wish." Heidi spoke quietly, having now
surrendered to Mistress.
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  • Straight
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  • Switch
Dec 10, 2009
Mistress slipped her strap on back on. Heidi was bent over in front
of everyone, then Mistress proceeded to take her hard.

"Yes, Mistress, please Mistress." Heidi begged.

Mistress worked Heidi with long hard thrusts, Heidi's vagina could be
heard making splurging noises from the fucking in the mud. Mistress
positioned herself slightly better, so she could pull Heidi's hair back
and head dunk her as she wished.

"Oh god, please MISTRESS!" Heidi's moans escalated to shouts,
as she was now given a serious fucking along with all the other girls.

Claire dragged herself out of the pit, and went for it in a big way. She
lay on top of the remaining upright ladder and masturbated herself to
orgasm in public view. All of the ladies spent a long time being fucked
in various positions in the pit, until the lads and Mistress pushed them
out and left them on the grass, looking like a bunch of destroyed,
dismantled used sluts.

As Mistress walked away none of the girls got up, they just held hands
with each other, totally plastered in mud, all their outfits in rags as
promised. Claire and Heidi lay on their backs, with their pounded
vagina's now slightly red and swollen, openly on show.

Until the next time:

After an hour of using the showers. The girls and Mistress all came to
say goodbye in the car park. Karen was welded to her man's arm, after
an afternoon she would remember for a long time. Alison said goodbye
to the staff, and thanked them for a serious fucking at the end. Jenny
was also holding on to her man, she was a very happy bunny after full
filling some of her filthy fantasy's. Debs didn't take a lift back into
town with Karen and Alison, she was going with her new airmen friend.
Claire and Heidi stated how much fun they had on the day, and should
another event be held they would both be attending.

Mistress said, that maybe next year, there could be something. They
would have to wait for Mistress to send out the call.

Everybody said their goodbye's and went back to their normal, clean!

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