Examined by a robot?

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
Something that I am following closely is the progress in what are loosely called "medical expert systems". Mostly this involves the use of AI to process information such as symptoms and increasingly visual information such as ct, xray, photos and video to diagnose medical problems. These are actually getting really good and especially when applied to remote diagnosis (via internet) they have now started outperforming human doctors and surgeons.

Last week while I sat in on a lecture by one of the leading teams in this field the subject of ob/gyn was raised (not by me!) to which I payed close attention! Seems this is something they are actively investigating. They described two versions of the exams, one being nurse assisted, the other self performed exam. These types are common for most remote access exams, this is a very big deal in Australia where there are thousands of people living living hundreds or even a thousand or more km's from their nearest medical centre.
Anyway the most interesting part from my kinky angle was description of using a Skype style session to perform a self vaginal exam. Seems the idea is to send the patient a kit with disposable speculum, swabs etc, then during the exam session the system guides the patient in performing the required procedure.
They didn't go into detail but the image in my head was of someone on their bed spread eagled with their laptop nestled between their legs so their webcam could supply the feed to the AI system!

This got me thinking a lot about it afterwards too, how would that feel being examined by a robot program from your laptop?
And what if some crazy pervert (like me) started doing this kind of thing, imitating this process to perform all kinds of wild and unnecessarily unpleasant procedures just for fun?

I can just imagine the menu when you login, please select from the following options:
  1. Breast exam
  2. Vaginal exam
  3. Anal exam
  4. Full exam (1-3)
  5. I feel lucky, go wild!
Lol, something to think about...

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