Help a gal out?


Kinky Newbie
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Jul 29, 2014
Garland, TX
Okay, so, I have a slight problem.

I have never had an orgasm, and I can't figure out how to even get close without prolonged clit stimulation without it getting painful for me. The only toy I've got is a vibrating back massager, and I have to use it over my panties. Ive almost had an orgasm thanks to a partner trying to talk me through it, but I was interrupted, therefore negating all sensation. Any ideas on what I should do?


Kink Talk Member
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Jun 6, 2014
US Georgia
Well you could have another person walk you through it for starters, but you can also find more possible toys to help you out. Anything can be a dildo if your brave enough. Hair brushes, bananas, cucumbers, and bedposts(depending) This is just me thinking off the top of my head. You also need to look into new ways of masturbating to give it different sensations. rub some toothpaste on your clit, rub yourself over some pantyhose, add clamps on you. You need to find what works best for you and turns you on the most and use it to the best of your abilities.
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Kinky Newbie
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Apr 3, 2016
Some of the keys are finding out what turns you on, what makes you horny. Such as perhaps you need more stimulation then just on your clit. Or you need to feel something other then just pleasure. Some people orgasm through pain. Your nipples or breasts may be a trigger for you. It would take exploration of your body. Some women get very aroused and can even orgasm through anal.

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