Kink and parenthood


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
First off, apologies if this is the wrong section, I've been trying to figure out the best place for it for a while.

So I'm just interested to find out how being a parent has affected other people's kink lives?

When we decided to try for our baby, one of the things I just assumed would stop was the BDSM (more BD than SM) side of our relationship. Hell, as pregnancy made me feel yucky even the softest, gentlest vanilla asexual contact seemed to be more than I could bear.

It was a while, obviously those first couple or six months are taken up with surviving and learning as you go, but gradually I realized I was missing it. The wake up was my husband's hard-on from the milk leaking from me in between feeds, how he liked to gently caress and stimulate them into soaking my T-shirts, and how he kept it up so that I was still producing long after our child had stopped feeding from me.

He said something along the lines of me having given him my body in the most complete way, which was kind of romantic and kind of made me feel owned all at the same time and that I think helped me realize I still had that fire.

In some ways it gets a little easier to find time for each other as they grow up, in others that makes it more difficult too. I like to play just as much as I used to, we just can't do it quite as often and we need to plan it better, which means we try and make it that much more exciting when we do get the chance.

So like I said at the start, I'm just interested to see other people's perspectives, have you been able to carry on with your kinks, did one or both of you decide to stop altogether? Or did you only just get into something you'd kept secret for years before after you had children?

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Great topic and perfect placement in this section. This is one I can't help with much in the way of insights however I have known a few couples that had kids and pretty much as you describe went through a kind of drought brought on by both exhaustion and a rather large distraction. It seemed to me though that again as you describe as the kids grew less all demanding that the kink gradually managed to creep back in.
I will be really interested to see what others experiences have been.
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