Masturbation control game for girls

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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
A common post to read here on Kink Talk is a request for help from some poor girl who finds she is masturbating way too often. Most often these requests are for some form of punishment to help curb this excessive activity and often the responses are either unrealistic or impractical.
So I have come up with a possible solution for these sad cases, and I figure by sharing it here it may also appeal to others who simply enjoy controls and can even be adapted to those who like edging challenges as well.

The system is quite simple to explain but as you will see can result in a high degree of difficulty to accomplish. To make the game more fun I have also added a poll where those who participate can record their progress, can you get through a whole day, how about a whole week, then do you think you could go a full month on this system? The poll is anonymous so your votes won't give away who you are but if you'd like to show off your achievements you can also comment below.

Now, onto the system. Once you start, the following three things are banned.
  1. You cannot masturbate in your bed.
  2. You cannot use your fingers to masturbate.
  3. You cannot use any kind of commercially produced sex toy.
The aim of these rules is to decrease your masturbation opportunities while also broadening your activity. You'll need to use different locations, as well as be inventive about how you actually masturbate. While at home this is probably not so bad, using the bathroom or simply sitting in a chair in your room, and you can most likely find plenty of items and ways to get off around your home. If however you enjoy a quick wank in the bathroom at school or work then things become more challenging and you'll really need to think ahead.
I mentioned adapting this for those that like edging, for this you can pick just one location where you are allowed to cum and that place must not be anywhere in your home. Of course you're free to change this around to suit but make sure you keep it difficult.

So that's it, I said it was easy! Give it a try and don't forget to hit the poll when you manage to reach a milestone. You can vote multiple times so be sure to tick off each as you get there. Good luck.

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