My Punishment List, F


Kinky Newbie
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Apr 6, 2015
Hi! My dom has come up with the idea of a punishment list for when I am am. There will be 5 punishments altogether and depending on how bad I am he will choose one. The 1st punishment is the easier whole the 5th is the harshest. We have punishment 1- 4 and they are as follows:

1. Spanking
2. Minimum of 50 elastic ban snaps directly to cilt.
3. Masturbating with something of families.
4. Minimum of one hour wearing tack bra and panties.
5. ??

Number 5 the harshest punishment is up to you guys. Please leave ideas below and do not go easy, there are no limits for this as it is supposed to b harsh and used in only extreme cases.


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 19, 2014
What about needles into clit and then heat tip of them with lighter or lead electricity into needles for x mins.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Seriously? Have any of you people actually lived in the real world? Fuck, heating a needle inserted into a clitoris? Yes it might happen but that is so far up the scale you have no idea what you are dealing with.


Kinky Newbie
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Nov 22, 2011
Punishment 5

Here is my idea for punishment 5.

You are naked and on the floor or bed. You are tied with your wrists tied to your ankles, spreader bar between your knees, all nice and exposed. Then a toothpaste covered butt plug is pushed into your ass and a hot-sauce covered large dildo is buried in your disobedient cunt. Every 30 minutes, the plug is removed and re-coated with toothpaste and pushed back in. Then the cock is used to fuck that pussy for 5 minutes with hard, fast strokes, and then removed, re-coated with hot-sauce and slammed back in. The number is time this is repeated depends upon the severity of your infraction, but I would say at least two full cycles should be used.


Senior Kink Talk Member
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Jul 26, 2015
Put hot sauce on a dildo and fuck your pussy with for 10 minutes, or until you can no longer take the pain. Your dom will be applying a couple of drops of sauce every minute. If you lasted less than 10 minutes, time how long it took until you had to stop.
Once you reach that point, do the same thing to your ass. This fucking should last exactly as long as the one for your pussy, no matter how it feels to you.

Finally, to make sure you try to last as long as you can for the first two steps here is something to keep you motivated: if you lasted less than 10 minutes substract the time you lasted while fucking your pussy from those 10 minutes. So if you lasted 7 minutes, that leaves you with 3 minutes. For every 30 seconds you get 10 spanks directly to your clit and 10 spanks directly on your asshole.

These spanks will be administered with a wooden tool (wooden stick, cane, ruler, spoon, whatever) coated in the same hot sauce. Reapply the sauce after every round of 10 spanks.


Kinky Newbie
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May 13, 2014
for the 5th choose one of the previous 4 punishments but do it outside.

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