"Secretly" Terrified


Distinguished Member
  • Bisexual
  • Female
  • Submissive
May 8, 2015
Someone dared me to post about my feelings regarding my thread allowing people to vote for my punishment. So here goes.

I wasn't too nervous the first few hours that I posted it because literally 2 people voted. But then a PM dare had me add it to my signature here and also on GD. Now there are 42 (and counting) votes. I have to do all of the punishments except creating a spanking thread.

Currently, one punishment does not have 20+ votes alone, but the first one is close, and I am terrified to have someone else control my workouts for a week.

I guess I'm not extremely "terrified" but my stomach has butterflies and I'm hoping that I lost some weight by Monday!! :eek:

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