Self cunt torture idea sub females

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I have been using this for a while and it is rather effective at providing good self inflicted pain on the cunt and clit of my online sub friends. I would be interested to know if anyone else has tried this.

The basic idea is really simple, using a regular belt and some rubber bands running from back to front on the belt you can construct this devilish device. Until now I have often struggled to communicate the method but I recently found this video which not only shows the item in question but demonstrates its use.
Please let me know if you try this...
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Master Vagrant

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Feb 23, 2014
In my sub's mind
Yeah, that's nice self cunt torture, i have few videos from my cam slave girl doing that, but she made g string from rubber bands and big knot on her clit and then she flick her pussy or give herself a wedgies.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
A word of caution

Today I received a pm from a new member who decided to give this a try. She will remain anonymous however her story is a cautionary tale. Basically she saw the thread, watched the video and thought it looked like fun. She knew she could get really good, big rubber bands from her younger brother who flies model aircraft. The rubber bands they use to attach the wings on RC airplanes are big indeed and very powerful. So she visited her brother and took a few from his room, later that evening she constructed the device and while attempting to work out the best way to hold and release the band it slipped from her grip. Now she thinks that at the time the band was stretched to just below her knee level and when it hit her dead on her slit and clit the effect was as you might expect, nasty.
She described the intense pain and how it knocked her to the floor instantly. Howling uncontrollably she was writhing around on the floor when her flatmate burst in to find her naked and clutching her cunt, the rubber band tucked firmly in her crotch. Embarrassed and confused the flatmate left when she was assured all would be ok by our mortified member.
The fall out? Well she has nasty bruising and a lot of explaining to try and keep her flatmate from moving out!
The lesson? Always test your bdsm gear on a less sensitive part first, with something like this test the rubber band on your thigh or hand before you attack a more sensitive area!

Play safe people!!!


Kinky Newbie
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Apr 6, 2015
I am a frequent user of the elastic band crotch rope so I thought I'd share my experience here. Though it is painful I love it! Using it is like a crotch rope extreme. Though with hard snaps the pain can be extremely intense as said above, short snaps give a small 'whoosh' of pain that us gone in a few seconds and ready to go again. I think my favourite part would have to be when trying to snap and basically having to go digging up through your cunt to get it out..


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Sep 13, 2015
How creative! I'm assuming the thicker the rubber band the better for this scenario?

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
How to

Following a few requests on the details of making one of these devices here are some instructions for looping rubber bands together to make the longer strap required.





Keep looping your bands until you have a long enough strap that will go front to back up to your waistline. It needs to be just tight, not too tight that it cuts in. If you have strong, wide bands you will only need one chain but if your bands are thin you may want to make a double run.

Once your rubber band strap is complete hook your belt through one end of the bands so it is in the centre, put the belt on then run the strap through your crotch and attach to the front and buckle it up.


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Apr 13, 2016
Wow! great idea and very clear instructions...would love to try this :D
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