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Dec 5, 2020

I hope this is the right place to post here but I need some advice on anal and vaginal stretching. Daddy and I are keen to achieve a significant gape on both. I have done well on vaginal stretching to date but we want a bit more. We have used various items such as balls and apples to achieve the stretch. With regards to anal stretching I have a set of plugs and can comfortably wear the middle sized one. Any advice much appreciated.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Hello there and welcome!

The key factors for successful and long lasting stretching are, use items that hold the vagina or anus open, keep them in place for as long as possible (at least an hour or more) and do it often, this means at least 2 to 3 times a day.
I'll explain the mechanics of each of these in more detail, firstly using something that keeps the orifice open. To achieve a good gape you need to stretch the muscles that control the closing of the vagina (or anus) and "reset" them to assume the wider opening you're looking for. For this to happen it must be held open, this allows the muscles to become used to this position and gradually over time they will simply default to holding in this state. While pushing large items likes balls or apples in and out is useful it will not work as quickly or as effectively as say a large dildo or similar.
Second, take your time. Time is very critical, the muscles will open and contract quickly and resume their original state. By using a large dildo to hold them in the open position for longer periods of time, at least an hour or more, they become set in the open position. Some of the best results I've seen came from gals using things like a soda can in for many hours each day.
And third, stretch as often as possible. This is really an extension of the time thing but while its usually not practical to have something stuffed inside you all day simply doing 2 or 3, hour long sessions a day is a lot more doable. This also has the added effect of reintroducing the muscles to the new "normal" position several times a day which accelerates the process.

Hope this helps.

For anyone else not as experienced as the OP wanting to try some stretching, see my guide for beginners here.

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Apr 15, 2011
I always admire people's dedication to changing their bodies like this, but I can't help but wonder why, please could you describe what is it about stretching yourself like this that turns you on?


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Jul 19, 2016
The muscles that you dilate when you do a pussy or ass dilation are called the kegel muscles. They are good for 3 things:
  1. Holding pee/scat
  2. Guiding babies during natural childbirth (push)
  3. Massaging the cock during sex
Hypnosis would work wonders here too. Indeed, you could have the best of both worlds! Having an hypnotic trigger that when pronounced by your Master would stretch you to the max, and a different hypnotic trigger that makes you really but really tight...

I always admire people's dedication to changing their bodies like this, but I can't help but wonder why, please could you describe what is it about stretching yourself like this that turns you on?

People who have their pussy and ass stretched severely limit their holding capacity for pee and scat. On the other hand, such people make it easy for the cock penetration, even without lube. Both factors can be terribly sexy or disgusting depending on the person's and their tastes and limits. There is also the factor of degradation. Normal people don't walk around with a fully dilated ass and pussy. Only sluts and whores do that! It is incredibly degrading to be fucked and feel like you offer almost no resistance, since your pussy and ass are so used to being fucked!

Also, if you ever get pregnant and have a permanently dilated pussy, you will very likely have pee and scat holding problems and accidents are much more likely.

However, there is another factor that is destroyed by permanent pussy dilation. The kegel muscles can also be used during sex (they don't have to, though). If used, the dick feels like you are doing a hand job and a fuck at the same time.

Thus, I would suggest you doing this:
  1. Use hypnosis to do the permanent dilation
  2. Use hypnosis to do some automatic kegel exercises.
  3. When you are instructed to use them to massage your Master' s cock, do so controlling them with your conscious mind.
  4. If you ever do a natural childbirth, you can flip willingly between pushes with all your might and a fully dilated vagina. That would be good!
  5. Live with the shorter times for holding both pee and scat
By using hypnosis, I can see all the benefits of having a fully dilated pussy and ass, and none of the drawbacks!
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
are called the kegel muscles
Technically they are the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises are the name for a set of standard PFM toning exercises developed back in the 1940's by a Dr Kegel.
The PFM is a large conglomerate of muscles the most pertinent of these being the levator ani. This is a broad sheet of muscle composed of 3 separate muscles, the pubococcygeus, puborectalis and iliococcygeus.

The tone of these muscles generally softens with age anyway, vaginal childbirth also (unsurprisingly) affects them as well. The ability to tighten and relax these muscles is certainly amenable to relaxation and mindfulness techniques and as such may be controllable in those predisposed to hypnotic suggestion.
Full control of the individual muscles is difficult in practice even for those experienced in PFE's such as Kegel as they are grouped and interact on other extensively.

If the goal of the OP is to stretch an orifice yet retain some PFM tone then the methods I described will give the best result. This works simply by "resetting" the muscles fully contracted state and as such still allows normal relaxing and contracting of the levator ani groups. As the urethra is not affected the subject doesn't lose urinary continence. However it should be noted that if permanent anal dilation is attempted some fecal incontinence will most likely occur.
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Jul 19, 2016
There is also a different set of kegel exercises that are much easier to perform because they are hypnotically activated, you do them without even realizing, you do them spread throughout the day (so they don't get over tired) and finally you do them at all times of day and night.

As for permanent intontinence, that is exactly why I recomended hypnosis to achieve this. You would achieve a total tightness during the periods of the day that you are not engaging in sexual activity of any kind. But, the second that you involve in any sexual activity (that would include kissing or even lusting), you would be totally relaxed and ready to fuck!


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Mar 30, 2016
This seems to be a really common fetish, I don't know if gaping has the side-effect of reducing pleasure from sexual intercourse, I've gone the opposite way and strengthened my vaginal muscles with the intent to stimulate my master with a technique called pompoir, and that has so far lead to stronger orgasms and more sensation during sex for me and my partner. I don't know if you can fully achieve both gaping and strong vaginal (pelvic) muscles, but to each their own.
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Perhaps I should have explained the bio-mechanics of this a bit more clearly as people seem to be confusing what's happening here.
Without getting all biologist on you, all muscles act in one direction, the cells contract when they receive a stimulus and then relax when the stimulus is removed. In most skeletal movement there are pairs of muscle that work together to actuate movement, in say your hand there are separate groups of muscles for opening and closing your fingers. This allows very precise movement so you can type on your laptop and pick your nose.
Sphincter muscles do not have an opening pair, they only work to constrict the orifice and when they relax they open up but only due to whatever pressure they are containing.
This is the mechanism at work in the pelvic floor, the muscles can be trained to become stronger and close much more strongly but you cannot train them to open wide (like say you open your your mouth) as there is no muscles to do that.

So for instance during childbirth the cervix (not part of the PFM) relaxes so much that the pressure of the babies head is able to open it from a tiny point to 10cm or more. It is the uterine muscles that are contracting to push the baby down and out and as it passes through the vagina all the lower muscles simply relax to allow passage. The last barrier is the pelvic floor which is not used to being forced open to this degree even fully relaxed. As all mothers will tell you trying to relax during childbirth is hard which is why you hear all the cliched "relax, breath, relax, breath" then "PUSH" stuff. Pretty much everything down there muscle wise is concerned with keeping stuff in, when its time to let it out all you can do is relax those muscles as much as possible.

Now as @SilverBlue questioned you can most certainly learn techniques to strengthen and maintain good control over the tightening motion but this will not allow control over how wide you can open.
The base closed state of the pelvic floor muscle groups (the levator ani) is when the muscles are contracted. Normally this is autonomic, meaning you don't have to think about closing your ass, it just does it itself. Where the muscles hit their "end stop" is important, as anyone who has suffered from cramps knows, uncontrolled tightening spasms in muscles are really painful. To avoid this the levator ani muscles learn their closed position and don't try to over-tighten.
And this is where my methods for resetting this end stop come in, by doing regular exercises that put the closed point in a much wider position the muscles "learns" this as their new default closed point and won't try to contract beyond it.
In fact as @SilverBlue queried, yes you can indeed maintain strong PFM's and produce a gaping effect. You just need to make sure that when you do your Kegel exercises you keep something inserted to hold you open at the gape you require.

Now I've oversimplified a few things to make it easier to understand so if you want to dig deeper I suggest you google this, I'm also happy to answer any questions here or privately you want to be discrete.
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I always admire people's dedication to changing their bodies like this, but I can't help but wonder why, please could you describe what is it about stretching yourself like this that turns you on?
Rather than hijack this thread I'm continuing this side of the discussion over here:

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Jun 15, 2021
I’d love for you to use hypnosis on me sir

I hope this is the right place to post here but I need some advice on anal and vaginal stretching. Daddy and I are keen to achieve a significant gape on both. I have done well on vaginal stretching to date but we want a bit more. We have used various items such as balls and apples to achieve the stretch. With regards to anal stretching I have a set of plugs and can comfortably wear the middle sized one. Any advice much appreciated.
too much to read em al but you’ll hear it over and over. Breath and relax. It’s kinda meditative for me if I do it right. Imagine the calmness of meditation with the pleasure of stretching. It’s the best way!