The Department of Clinically Unethical Medicine (CUM)

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Kink Talk is proud to announce the opening of our new Department of Clinically Unethical Medicine, or CUM.

CUM will offer a range of medical services initially for anatomical females but we will be expanding services to include males as soon as we have recruited doctors specialising in that field. Please note, this is not intended to be gender biased in any way it is simply that the specialty of male or female anatomy and genitalia is required for examination purposes.

Over the next few weeks we will be recruiting doctors who will hopefully fill all the specialist positions. No experience required as we will train you and provide examination guides, there will also be regular student sessions where interesting patients will be discussed in a chat room scenario.

For patients interested in using our services we are offering the following services, as mentioned these initial services are for anatomical females only.
  1. Breast examination.
  2. External vaginal examination.
  3. Internal vaginal examination.
  4. Anal examination.
  5. Full examination.
For each examination type the patient will be supplied with a detailed self examination procedure and be required to document it with photos. The photos will be examined by your preferred doctor and a full report supplied back to you. Doctors may prescribe follow up examinations or treatment tasks as deemed necessary.
In keeping with the high standards required by CUM you can select from the following three bedside manner types.
  1. Cold professional medical only language - CP
  2. Friendly doctor with minimal medical speak - FD
  3. Pervert doctor using humiliating language - PD
To utilise CUM services you must be willing to supply the required photos for examination and for best results have a speculum or be able to improvise with a DIY substitute. Participation in student group discussions is optional and those requiring a fully private examination should indicate this when making an appointment.

Applications to become a CUM clinic doctor can be submitted in this thread or pm me direct. We will be appointing a Medical Registrar (position vacant) who will handle applications and appointments once instated.

Patient Appointments. These will be available shortly, you can register interest here in this thread or by pm to me until the Registrar has been appointed.
Please be sure to include your preferred doctor and bedside manner type as well as your preference for public discussion of your case.

Current Staff Doctors.
For female patients

Currently only Dr @Merlin is seeing patients, leave a request in the thread.

  • Dr Optokon, retired.
  • Dr Aus Guy, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD (CP prefered)
  • Dr Mayfly, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD
  • Dr Sado, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD
  • Dr Losstride, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD
  • Dr. Malcom Reynolds, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD
  • Dr alex3k12, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD (Female for females only)
For male patients
  • Dr Losstride, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD
  • Dr. Malcom Reynolds, available beside manner, CP, FD, PD

Questions or comments can be posted in this thread or pm'd to me @droptokon

*** Medical Registrar urgently required ***
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Great idea, love the thought that has gone into this.

I'd like to apply for a doctor position. Is there an official form I need to complete and submit?
I will send out a questionnaire shortly to any and all applicants.
If anyone is interested the registrar position you can also apply here, this will be a strictly clerical role matching doctors to patient so will require good organisational skills.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
How could one make a DIY speculum? Asking for a friend
Glad you asked! I have been discussing that exact thing in this thread;
Have a look there and I will be happy to answer any queries about making one there.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I am an interested patient for a breast and external vaginal exam. I would like a perverted doctor. And I am open to private, public, or being a teaching subject
Thank you for reserving your appointment.
Your examination instructions will be sent to you via pm then the results displayed and discussed here as an example to others of the public system.
If we have students enrolled at this time they will be invited to comment and discuss these results.
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
CUM - Examination Report
Patient name: @Smi1eys1ave
Examining doctor: @droptokon
Request codes: Breast, PD
Date of Exam: 14/6/2019

Overall: This slut has huge saggy udders with numerous stretch marks and significant veining. Side profile accentuates the sag well indicating they would respond to tight binding or clamping although extent is not established.
Front on appears basically symmetrical, areola approx 50mm dia with semi erect nipples.
Lift tests: Shows off these flabby saggy meat bags to best effect. The tender undersides appear perfect for abuse and experiments.
Examination indicates marking due to bra seams, recommend use of various pain bras for added discomfort (i.e tack bra or similar) and to increase marking of tit meat.

Diagnosis: These udders appear in good condition and fit for use or abuse. Nipple and areola well defined and perfect targets for testing and abuse.
Further tests recommended to establish compressibility of tit meat using clamp, bar or plate compression. It may also be of benefit to try various binding to establish bulge effects.

Conclusion: The slut udders examined are good examples of large tit meat but require further study and discussion. The recommended tests would place some stress and discomfort on the meat but that is considered secondary to the aims of CUM and the humiliation and pain are considered worthwhile.

Reference examination images below.


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Doctor Pervert

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  • Private
May 19, 2013
I would like to submit for a breast examination please. I can't decide if I would like a CP or a PD, either will do. I am open for public discussion of my case and to be used as a teaching subject.
Thanks for applying for an appointment, we have assigned Dr Aus guy to examine you as he a specialist in CP, he will be in touch directly with your instructions.

Doctor Pervert

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  • Private
May 19, 2013
CUM - Examination Report
Patient name: @Smi1eys1ave
Examining doctor: @droptokon
Request codes: Vagext, PD
Date of Exam: 15/6/2019

Overall: This is one well used fuck hole, cunt is stretched out and gapes slightly even when relaxed. With fat meaty cunt flaps and a semi exposed clit this cunt shows how much its been used.
A gape of approx 10mm is present when relaxed in the squat position, cunt measures approx 65mm from perineum to clit hood and averages 30mm between labia majora, in other words a big cunt.

Diagnosis: This cunt is obviously well used but no obvious problems or lesions. The big meaty flaps would be well served with the application of various clip or clamps. The clit while very small being semi exposed is ideal for various punishments including spankings or clips. In general it seems this cunt is capable of a high degree of stretch and this should be encouraged to maintain or increase the gape.

Conclusion: With obvious signs of use and abuse this cunt is a typical slut cunt but activity and especially abuse by stretching needs to be continued on a regular basis. Slut is currently engaged in therapy program to decrease clit sensitivity which should continue for the next several weeks.
A further internal exam is recommended at some point in the near future.


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aus guy

Kink Talk Member
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Apr 22, 2009
CUM - Examination Report
Patient name:
Examining doctor: @aus guy
Request codes: Breast, CP
Date of Exam: 16/6/2019

Overall: The subject of this examination has large breasts, accompanied by large nipples and areolas.

Diagnosis: Distance between the two nipples is 18.5cm, measured nipple to nipple. Size of the left areola is approximately 6.5cms in diameter. Size of the right areola is approximately 7cm in diameter. Gap between the breasts along the centre line is 2cm. Total width between the extremities is 27cm. With the large breasts in question, a small amount of sagging is notable from the side view. The subject demonstrated flexibility in her breasts when lifting from the nipple upwards.

Conclusion: The breasts as analysed do not appear to have any problems. These breasts and nipples are deemed suitable for use as the owner sees fit.

Regular examination of the breasts, and other areas of interest, is highly recommend.


Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
This weekend we will be holding an open teaching session for any and all students interested in breast anatomy. As subjects we will be using the exams provided by @lucicle22 and @Smi1eys1ave and will discuss differences between the two as well as taking questions on general anatomy as well as these specific examples.
If you would like to participate please register your interest here, the session will run over most of the weekend so we can include all timezones.

The clinic also has available appointments for any other interested females.

Doctor Pervert

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  • Private
May 19, 2013
CUM open student session.

For the next 24 hours or so we will be holding an open student session to compare the breast exams of the last two patients.

We have @Smi1eys1ave and @lucicle22 who have supplied examination photos.

Lets begin with the front on exam shots and compare.

IMG_20190614_153135.jpg front_measure.jpg

Obviously there are some big differences between the two, both being excellent examples of big boobs, er, breasts.
Any comments or questions so far?


Verified Observer
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Apr 13, 2016
Both are excellent specimens, for convenience and to facilitate comparison I am going to be referring to them as specimen A @lucicle22 and specimen B @Smi1eys1ave , following are the prominent features I observed

1) Both have symmetrical pairs of breasts of enviable size
2) Specimen A appears to have higher breast volume than Specimen B
3) Specimen B has nipples pointing forward which may provide easier access for nipple clamping
4) Both have decent sized areolas [with Specimen A having slightly bigger ones] and both are good test samples for various breast bondage tests
5) While Specimen A has breasts shaped like melons [or are they bowling balls?], I am still undecided on Specimen B's breast shape [water bottles?]

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Doctor Pervert

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  • Private
May 19, 2013
Thanks for your observations @nina and the excellent chart!
I concur with your descriptions and suitability assessments for further testing.
I would classify subject A most certainly as "Melons", while B is really a combination of "Tea sachets" and "Water bottles"

The right side views give more clarity to shape. You see A has the more droopy outline of melons, bowling balls being much rounder. While side on B appears much more like the tea sachet shape. In both instances this illustrate the excellent amount of breast available for binding.

IMG_20190614_153208.jpg Right_relaxed.jpg

Doctor Pervert

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  • Private
May 19, 2013
CUM - Examination Report
Patient name: @playtoday
Examining doctor: @droptokon
Request codes: Breast, CD/FD
Date of Exam: 27/6/2019

Overall: This patient has moderately large breasts that sag nicely. With very large areola (approx 80mm) and prominent nipples giving her breasts a distinctive appearance. The overall size and shape make them ideal for all kinds of binding and clamping. There is some asymmetry with the right being somewhat larger than the left. the side and under tests show the unique shape of these breasts and accentuate their suitability for binding and clamping.
Lift tests: As mentioned the lift tests show off how soft and pliable these breasts are, the clear contrast between the under lift test and the side lift test showing the flattened sag nicely.

Diagnosis: These breast appear in excellent condition and fit for use or abuse. The large prominent nipple are perfect for clamping and appear easily aroused to the erect state.
Further tests recommended to establish compressibility of these breasts using clamp, bar or plate compression. Binding tests are also recommended in a follow up consultation.

Conclusion: The patient breasts examined are good examples of a large and interesting shape and require further study and discussion. The recommended tests could place some discomfort on the patient but that is considered secondary to the aims of CUM and the likely moderate pain is considered worthwhile.

Reference examination images below.


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