The girl and the master


  • Straight
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  • Private
Sep 6, 2011

Ok Truth or dare says Emily to Teagen ummm truth says Teagen Emily asks if she likes the joke named Austin next door and Teagen said yes. The girls giggled then decided to get a snack. Teagen found some cold pizza and through them in the microwave. Emily bent down for something and Teagen saw her red low cut panties and went for the attack. Teagen yanks emily's panties way up in the air. Elizabeth saw and yelled WEDGIE WAR!!!!! They were all in the living room trying to wedgie 1 another. Emily and Elizabeth decided to gang up on Teagen and Elizabeth who's captain of the wrestling team tackles Teagen in the perfect wedgie position. Emily goes for the kill but notices she's already in a BRA CONNECTION WEDGIE?!?!?!

They asked why she was in the wedgie but she didnt answer. Teagen suggested on playing the game again. 5 minutes later they agreed to play. They were all in a circle and Teagen went next asking Elizabeth truth or dare. Elizabeth picked dare and Teagen dared her to lick the stain on the wall. Elizabeth said ok put her head to the wall and licked. Elizabeth asked Teagen truth or dare Teagen picked truth. Elizabeth asked why she had the wedgie so she confessed. I have a master ok Teagen shouted and they wanted to know what that was. Teagen decided to show them the website she was visiting daily for her master. The girls had heard about kinktalk but never went on it. They were on the site for one 1 hour then had to leave.

Teagen gets on kinktalk and logs in. Ponygirl5267 password ******* she says to herself. She sees her master is online and chats with him here's how it went.

Hello sir how are you?
Hello slave do you have the pics?
Yes sir I'm uploading them now.
Good and remember to private message me them.
Yes sir there uploaded.
Ok send them and I'll put in album.
Teagen sends the pics to her master. There were 2 pictures one of the back of the bra connection wedgie and one of the front. Then the master sends another master

Good but it shows your face Teagen
I know I wanted to be more exciting can you block my face?
Ya sure but I have another task for you
What's that sir?
Go to the neibors backward and dance for 5 minutes on the yard.
Which yard right or left?
That was Austin's house she said to herself then replied with this WHAT?!?!?!


Kink Talk Member
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  • Submissive
Jan 8, 2013
Congratulations, that was the best joke I've ever read.

Punctuation? What's that?

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