What is Bdsm?


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Remembering the times that Slavery and Medieval torturing is an act of Crime and against the rule of humanity. The times that we cant do that and we will not do that because the eyes of Normal People are watching us. As the time goes by internet became the key ingredients for us people who love things not not meant to normal ones and it is the BDSM lifestyle and Societies. We are using the Former Idea of Slavery and Medieval torturing to nourish our sexual satisfaction in a way that we want and now what we usually do. Canes, Whips, Paddle, Wax, Devices, Plugs, Dress, Leather, Silk, Heels, Worshiping, Playing with fantasies, Playing orgasm and many more. This is what we love to do a submissive or slave wants to try things like this in order to satisfy their sexual needs. Mistress or Dominant love slavery to satisfy their inner desire to be a queen, king, master, mistress or many more. What should we protect? we must protect our reputation, We must protect what we wants and what thing we are willing to do, we must protect our lifestyle. Male wants to be a female is not bad it is acceptable in this kind of lifestyle, Male wants to dress publicly and be a sissy thats fine you are who you are and not who others want you to be. Lastly You must be in what you desire not what other desire you to be. This is your Lady Watson just reminding that BDSM is a life and it is a Lifestyle. Thank you for reading this.

If you wish to chat my inbox is open, I dont need skype or kik, If you want my number earn it as it is worthy to be earned.


Kinky Newbie
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Mar 7, 2017
I don't really know what I am Mistress. I like a little pain ( I am typing this with pegs on my nipples)but I don't know how far I can go. I am married but my wife doesn't know about this side of me and I'm sure would not like it. What can I do do satisfy my need and find how far I can go.?


Verified Observer
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Apr 13, 2016
Remembering the times that Slavery and Medieval torturing is an act of Crime and against the rule of humanity. The times that we cant do that and we will not do that because the eyes of Normal People are watching us.

I do not agree with the comparison you make between medieval torturing and slavery with BDSM. While the former has no consent and is a kind of abuse.. consent is a very important part of BDSM.. They are like apples and oranges which can't be compared!

We do not derive kinks by
using the Former Idea of Slavery and Medieval torturing to nourish our sexual satisfaction in a way that we want and now what we usually do
I know there is a biological aspect of endorphins being released that connect pain with pleasure but that apart I have personally experienced that our inclination towards kinks are as natural to us as sexual orientation. The exposure to external environment we get might mould our preferences but the primal sadistic or masochistic tendencies or other kinks come from within and not from some historical era!

I don't mean any disrespect but just giving my views!


Verified Slave
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Mar 19, 2017
BDSM is Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism.

As such, it can be a lifestyle choice where individuals incorporate these into their daily life.
It can also be something people choose to participate in as is convenient to them and their life.
Neither is more or less legitimate, after all the whole point is to be accepting of what people do to fulfil themselves. They are simply two different ways of approaching BDSM.

Medieval torture is a great source of inspiration and perhaps a reflection of human cruelty and how we delight in getting creative with it. However, it is miles apart from modern day BDSM for the fact that it lacked consent, as stated above.

BDSM can be a wonderful experience as long as the expectations of the two individuals match, no matter the intensity or duration of the play.

Just my €0.02 :)

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