When the kink is no longer kinky...


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Jul 9, 2008
No not because it's on "Oprah" or some chick flick, but when it's become "normal" to the kinkster. There's always More Better Harder Faster Longer Wetter... but in reality when the "thrill" is gone it's just "normal" - sure there's always a new discovery of the fetish online by a noobie, or the unusually rare opportunity to meet someone who you can really share it with and rediscover the joy, but I just wanted some opinions and comments - and no, no people, animals, rocks or books were harmed in the aforementioned kinks - but I understand there were more than a few smiles, maybe something warm and furry was noticed, a few pebbles may have been disturbed, and books - well they are the blessings of humanity...


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Jan 9, 2008
the question is are kink only a kick or something natural for you ... i never had the feeling of getting a "kick" from it, i am just like that and even if trying something new is fun from time to time i am not driven by the idea to get a new kick out of it. And it can be as much fun the 100th time as it was the first... what i do is part of me and not "lets try something extreme"...
on the other hand i know for some this is a lot about getting a kick from doing extreme things in many ways like some extreme sports where the adrenaline kick sets in later every time and you need to get "higher and higher" ... the problem with it is that you sooner or later meet a point where higher means a lot risk... and where you have done everything you can ....

People really need to learn to be happy with a level that doesn't mean this level has to be low or that you should not think about getting "More Better Harder Faster Longer Wetter" but to drop the idea that this is all that matters. The world is fast enough as it is go slow and you maybe wont miss the point where you feel comfortable and were you just passed by before only thinking of "i need more"... Try to get the experiment drive you deeper and don't care about the higher so much...
in general people need to realise that the highest point you can reach is a deep inner calm and not some adrenaline kick that is gone after 10 minutes


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Mar 15, 2009
After years of being in the lifestyle, I have trained many subs in hundreds of fetishes, so while it may be all ?normal? to me in of the fetish itself, with each sub brings new experiences in her obedience, her reaction, her compliance, her enjoyment of obedience, as well as bringing up her experience in the fetishes. So with each new sub brings a stench of eh new thrill in the same fetishes. Once a Master or simply dom, gets bored with a fetish they should no longer practice it, and search for more extreme forms of fetishes that excite them.

But as Merlin said if they are comfortable within their own ?level of excitement? then they should stay on that level, they should not try and worry about keeping up with others in the lifestyle, it is not a contest so if they are only worrying about keeping up with others are doing that is a never ended, never winning battle.

I personally do not belong to any bdsm houses, or groups, of the few I have been to when visiting, like most organized places there tend to be a bit of drama, that I personally can do without. But when training subs, I tend to start off with low risk fetishes, and as time go by I train them in harder, more risky fetishes, as long as it is within their limits of course.

Good luck with it all


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I've often asked myself this - where does it end?
The answer of course is, it ends where i start feeling uncomfortable, and then backtracks a little.
Though possibly due to my past - i began selling myself for privileges to the councillors of my first boarding school at age eight (no joke o.o! though i was the only kid in a private room with a small color tv of my own; this was back in 1989 - so i wasn't complaining!) - and the fact that i've always thoroughly enjoyed any sexual act - yes, i've kept myself healthy. yes i've protected myself - thank god for the STD's they taught us about by ways of 'sexual education' or rather Don't Do It Until Marriage! even if i've picked up the lesson a bit differently ;) - I've yet to find a kink that i can't conceive myself or others enjoying, if only for the sheer fun of it (Looners, anyone? ;)) - though i do tend to stay away from the unsanitary or plain unhealthy ones.
(Woah, wasn't that the mother of all run-on sentences? Sorry!)

Coprophillia, for instance, is not my thing - but i can understand others enjoy it. I do love watersports, myself, though keeping in mind that the urine of a healthy person is sterile unless given time to 'brew' i don't consider this one unsanitary at all.

I personally say i have no real limits, if tentatively so - i adapt to my subs' needs and to how far they can be taken. Puppy can attone she's found herself surprised at just -how turned on- she got from the urine that spattered across her ample chest... ;)

Either way - i've found a level i'm comfortable with now, in that any and all fetishes and kinks, including such controversial ones as bestiality, can at the very least be openly discussed without bias - and i think i'll stick around here for a while.

My two cents' worth.


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Jan 9, 2008
When I'm being asked about my gender & orientation my answer is always "Straight Submissive Female". Meaning that I can't really consider D/s as simply a "kink" for myself as it's something I need. I've had only a few "vanilla" relationships in the past and these were never satisfying for me and got disinterested very fast each time.

So, for me, the kink is no longer kinky only if a limit is crossed. Either that or, like any other person of any orientation, if I'm sick or stressed.


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Apr 19, 2009
I think I am naturally kinky. I am just very sexual and willing to try anything. The thrill of doing and what the other person is getting out of it is more my pleasure.


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Apr 24, 2010
Soemtimes I wonder.... and then I discover someone knew or a suggestion comes my way and the thrill returns....

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