

Kinky Newbie
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May 24, 2021
I have a huge thing for wristwatches. Not all kinds of course and not on just any wrist. The combo needs to be just right. And it often is.
I love to wear them my self and to see them on other people. It is just amazing.
It can seem a bit niche, but we are out there. Anyone here sharing this one?


Senior Kink Talk Member
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Apr 3, 2017
Newburgh, indiana
Not I. But I am curious about it in an academic way.

- Is there any particular type of watch that is especially attractive?
- Is it the watch that makes the difference or the band?
- Can one ruin the other?
- Is the gender of the wearer a factor?
- Does the wristwatch need to be worn?
- Are pocket watches attractive to you too?
- Are digital watches in or out?


Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
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May 24, 2021
Not I. But I am curious about it in an academic way.

- Is there any particular type of watch that is especially attractive?
- Is it the watch that makes the difference or the band?
- Can one ruin the other?
- Is the gender of the wearer a factor?
- Does the wristwatch need to be worn?
- Are pocket watches attractive to you too?
- Are digital watches in or out?
Ohh, thank you for these questions. So much fun.
There are indeed types or brands that are more attractive than others. I tend to like the bigger ones more than the more traditional smal female watches.
The wearer needs to be female or at least the wrist has to be on the more feminine side. Here I have the same with handcuffs. But different from that fetish, the watch needs to be worn. But I can of course see a watch and see that it is an attractive watch that would look good on a wrist and so forth.
Both the band and the watch itself plays a role and one can certainly ruin the other.
Pocket watches are not interesting to me. But I believe some are into them.
Digital watches works as well as any other. It all depends on the whole.
There is so much to say here. My brain almost goes in overload.
But I can add a little one extra here about snugness. If they are too loosely fit, it can be an actual turnoff for me. They shouldn't be too tight either though. Just right :p


Senior Kink Talk Member
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Apr 3, 2017
Newburgh, indiana
So on a ladies' wrist you see a band made of black lace and another of gold links. All other things being equal. What is better?

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