Jennifer in control

Kinky sarah

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May 29, 2019
Hey everyone this is my first post so I hope this is in the right place.

well anyway so I recently found a site called Jennifer in control and it has piqued my interest but apart from the basic information I don’t really know anything about what it will be like so I’m looking for stories/peoples experiences with what they have been through and what tasks they had to do. I’d love to hear from guys but my main focus is from a female perspective.

Just Some guy dave

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May 6, 2008
I was active there awhile ago.

The mostly unspoken rule there is that folks don't normally discuss tasks so as not to spoil the surprise.

When you sign up, you will specify your limits -- things that you like to do, things you would prefer not to do, and things you will absolutely not do. There are some enforced minimums (you can't say that you won't do anything), and there will be circumstances under which you will be pushed to increase your limits.

There are essentially two classes of tasks. Every so often (not more than weekly, but sometimes a month or two can go in between, depending on what the humans behind the site are doing) the folks behind the site will assign a task to everyone, frequently involving take an embarassing picture of some kind or another.

Another class of tasks are "random tasks", where you request the system to randomly assign you a task from a collection created by the administrators or members of the site. The exact nature of the task will depend on your limits. Perhaps you will be asked to do some exercises; perhaps you will be required to show that you are shaven (if that's within your limits); perhaps you will be asked to do some housework; etc. There are tasks that make use of various toys if you indicate you have them. Maybe you will be asked to show your toys off. Most tasks can be done within 30 minutes or so, but there are the options for some longer duration tasks, like weight loss or "anal training".

When i was active, the pool of random tasks was relatively small (especially if you had many limits), so it could get repetitive over time. The tasks were relatively tame compared to those usually suggested here or on GetDare. If you can do the initiation task, you'll have no problem doing anything assigned in the program.

You are required to maintain a certain level of activity, "or else". If you interact with the system daily, and do a task every week or so, you'll be fine. There are ways to push yourself to do more tasks on the system, but make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew.

There is an option to have your tasks "peer reviewed", although that is not normally mandatory. The admins have the ability to look at any pictures you submit regardless. You can set a limit if you don't want to show your face.

The blackmail is real. Most participants there are at risk of exposure to other participants if they fail. There is an option to risk exposure to the general public at a specific website, but that is not required.

The folks behind the site are religious on the idea of SSC. Tasks that members propose that are "too much" usually get watered down to something safely doable. Folks who misbehave themselves or harass other members get kicked out.

After you're in, if you decide you want out, you ask for an exit task. The exit task will be very approximately as "bad" as the initiation task, but it is doable if you need out.


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Dec 22, 2018
Studying this site, I realized that sissy have an advantage over others. And I concluded that if you are not a sissy then this game is not for you. IMHO
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Oct 30, 2016
Studying this site, I realized that sissy have an advantage over others. And I concluded that if you are not a sissy then this game is not for you. IMHO
I have been a member for a long time now, not sure why you think this is true. There is a limit for sissification. If you set that to no, no sissification is required.

i can recommend joining that site, especially now that physical contact should be limited.
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Dec 22, 2018
I have been a member for a long time now, not sure why you think this is true. There is a limit for sissification. If you set that to no, no sissification is required.

i can recommend joining that site, especially now that physical contact should be limited.
You can set zero feminization tolerance. But your limitations will push up. And sissy can remove the feminization tolerance but you can not. And you are forced to lower limits on other points. On this sissy win.

feminization as a whole is not a BDSM practice, but the authors of this site have included it in BDSM practice, and this is a problem of Jennifer in control



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May 28, 2020
As the owner of the site, I think I should clarify a little...

Currently although about 60-70% of the male users are into feminization a significant number aren't. Even among the moderators (who oversee the system) most are not minded in that direction. If you are more into BDSM then I expect you will have high values for the limits relating to BSDM allowing you to set the one feminization limit to a hard limit (with no requirement to ever change this). However as the majority of current users embrace their sissy side, do expect the odd system wide task. But as with all system wide tasks if you accidentally get a system task that is against your limits, you can flag the issue and will not be expected to do the task (thats why we have hard limits).

Hopefully that clarifies that if you have the sissy limit set to hard - you will never be required to dress up and can concentrate on having your ball squashed (or whatever) ;-)

For the 30-40% non-sissy people in the system already, please play an active role in creating new tasks - they have doubled in the last year so whilst a lot are not involving dressing up as a female, only you will know what really floats your boat. So talk about it even if you can't use the task editor.


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May 28, 2020
To add my two cents to this discussion. I am in Jennifer in Control since more than 2 years, with one break in between. I have set a limit for sissification, and it simply does not show up in any tasks for me. Perhaps years back this was different, but nowadays I can confirm that JIC is equally, if not more, good for people seeking other forms of BDSM.

Two of those as example. There is quite a lot of functionality in the system to control chastity lock-ups. As long as you have a working chastity device, and you are willing to spend a few dollars on metal one-time tags, there will be little chance to cheat as any lockup, unlock etc will be carefully monitored, foto documented, and goes through peer reviews that somebody has mentioned in this thread before. The rules in the system are very clear, there is zero tolerance for cheating with chastity, it leads to exposure. And over the years I have seen quite a number of slaves becoming a bit more public due to their failed chastity. So, if you look for a way to make chastity real, JIC might be good one as long as you don't have a keyholder living in your area

The second one is that the users in the system form an active community. There is a lot going on in between slaves (setting each other tasks, creating new tasks, there is a very active discussion forum), AND the system allows dominants to enter as what is called "external masters". A slave can lock his or her account to such a master for a period of time, which means that this master now can see any (new pictures) of the slave, can assign tasks, set the "mood" (this is an internal currency in JIC, if that mood falls too low the slave will be exposed). The significance of this arrangement is that, while you may not be ready to trust the external with compromising pictures of yourself, that master has indirectly through the "mood" a way to put the slave under a bit of pressure and push for obedience. I have been myself in such arrangements, in one case that master had me and a second slave doing numerous tasks in a competition, and in a more recent case I was held in chastity for a full month (far far beyond anything I had done before, and much longer than I would have thought possible). She (the master) made it quite clear which pictures of me will end up where if I mis-behave, and required me to edge half way through the month, so it was not an easy ride.

anyhow, my view. To me, the community aspect of JIC is the most important one keeping me active there


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Nov 1, 2014
My experience was so-so, however the system seems to be run with a high degree of integrity and it is possible to back out as long as you fulfil an exit task. It's quite an interesting distraction in the meantime and I don't see any reason to recommend against the experience.

Some more personalisation/interaction from the master/mistress instead of canned events would be nice. But I can grant given likely a large volume of participants it isn't possible.

In any case I have nothing particularly negative to say. It seems like some of the point penalties can be very steep and hard to gain back. Some of the tasks take longer than others and it never seems possible to earn more than a very small number of points for each of them.

But as long as you avoid point penalties and interact with the system at least once or twice a week it should be fine.
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May 29, 2020
So is the real blackmail an option with this? Not sure I would be crazy about task pictures being accessible to everyone else in this., especially if I think a task is too much.

Any option to make it not real?
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May 18, 2020
I've used JIC as a way back into the scene having been out of it IRL for a number of years. I'm not a sissy (apart from anything else the regular defoliage operation would leave me bankrupt, severely razorburnt or in terror of anything waxy). but I don't have issues dressing in womans clothes as a humiliation/blackmail and I have a thing about heels and predicament bondage so I've got sissification on but low. with the other choices I have a selection pool of about 30 tasks, I've done probably 15, got one twice and got one that involved womens clothing. The tasks have varied from a bit monotonous and boring (not necessarily a bad thing I don't find lines exciting for example) to downright evil. Given the limitations I think it works really well but you have to accept that because it's not a live feed with a dom(me) on the other end you're not going to get the same interaction and what you can do is a step more limited. Ultimately if you don't like the tasks you can always write your own or get them improved. I don't want to spam the forum with links but if you google for the jennifer in control manual you'll get an idea of the setup. The community is active and supportive and there are people there willing to get stuff done. The only other piece of advice I'd give is if you do join Jennifer does take chastity and task completion seriously read the manual and make sure you have everything done in good time.
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May 18, 2020
So is the real blackmail an option with this? Not sure I would be crazy about task pictures being accessible to everyone else in this., especially if I think a task is too much.

Any option to make it not real?
You can set limits of how visible you want facial pictures from not at all through task review up to internet. Google for the manual if you're interested.
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Jan 16, 2022
I have always been a silent reader in this forum but I felt called to warn you now!

I can hardly believe that this website is still online.

Before COVID I worked with a good friend in a bank. We knew from each other that we are both a bit kinky so we talked about it openly. He also told me about this website (Jennifer in Control). I took a look at it and decided not to sign up there. The risk of being seen by friend was then too high. I never played that game, so I only know what I was told and shown by him.

One day he disappeared in the staff restroom and didn't show up for ages so I went to check on him because everyone in the team was wondering where he was. I found him in the staff restroom in a really pathetic state. He was crying and almost certainly having a panic attack. Imagine that, a grown man crying while hiding on the staff restroom because of this sick website!

I tried to calm him down and asked what was wrong with him. He then told me that his score was low and he wanted to raise it because he had lost some game. During the task where he wanted to raise the score, he suddenly got the message that one of his pictures was sent to his wife (the system forces you to hand over your wifes mailadress). He then closed the browser immediately because he was scared and after he logged back in he had even less points. I told him not to log in again and I was able to convince him to come with me to our company lawyer. You have to imagine that at this point he really thought his wife and mother of his children had received his photos by mail. So I walked with the crying, shaking man through our office to our lawyer.

We explained everything to him. Yes, imagine how it is to explain something like that to someone.
My friend explained to the lawyer how it works and the lawyer gone trough the terms and conditions. He then told us that this "service" was not even close to legal. The terms and conditions say that all transferred images are owned by this company, but that everything is void and worthless, because these images are then created under duress in the running game. If you stop taking such pictures, the ones that are already in the system will be published. That would be at least "sexual coercion" and who is surprised, "blackmail". Further, it is not possible to delete your account without being sexually harassed again. Imagine, facebook would require you to post a photo of you with a dildo in your butt to delete your account. He told us that in no country in the world it is possible to agree to a contract that includes illegal actions. Further, it would be illegal to simply send nude photos to someone (his wife) unless she agrees. He said that every aspiring lawyer shoots the thing with less than three letters out of the Internet. But of course the lawyer could not do anything, because it was not a business relevant case. I guess it is like consensual blackmail contract, it works as a phantasy but such contracts are all in all worthless. I am also sure that the creators of the website know about that!

But it gets even better:
After work we went to my flat, because he was afraid to go home, because he still thought that the photos were sent to his wife. We looked at the website again on my laptop and stuck the webcam (because the webcam permanently recording what you do). I then clicked around a bit and with small adjustments to some numbers in the URL I could also view tasks and information from other players on the website(!!!). I saw absolutely private data no one should see. In the manual of the website was mentioned that there is someone employed who is also in the game (so also one who is blackmailed) who takes care of the security and programming. A single person who may not even do it voluntarily. We in the bank have whole departments that take care of our security all around the clock and we have by far not such sensitive and dangerous data with us.

The above talk about "SSC" is absolutely ridiculous.
In my opinion, this website was created by a sick sadist. The creators of the website are either extremely naive and stupid or simply malicious!

Before you register, ask yourself if it is really SSC to register on a website that is obviously illegal and where your data is poorly protected. I don't even want to imagine what will happen if the website gets into the focus of hackers.

Please stay away from it!

My advice for everyone who still uses this. Please get out of it before your data gets stolen from hackers or your data is handed over to your loved ones because of a low score!
For everyone who is in the game and can't leave, don't open it up again and contact your lawyer!

PS: My friend made it out of the system and his wife never got a mail.
Last edited:


Kinky Newbie
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Feb 12, 2022
I have always been a silent reader in this forum but I felt called to warn you now!

I can hardly believe that this website is still online.

Before COVID I worked with a good friend in a bank. We knew from each other that we are both a bit kinky so we talked about it openly. He also told me about this website (Jennifer in Control). I took a look at it and decided not to sign up there. The risk of being seen by friend was then too high. I never played that game, so I only know what I was told and shown by him.

One day he disappeared in the staff restroom and didn't show up for ages so I went to check on him because everyone in the team was wondering where he was. I found him in the staff restroom in a really pathetic state. He was crying and almost certainly having a panic attack. Imagine that, a grown man crying while hiding on the staff restroom because of this sick website!

I tried to calm him down and asked what was wrong with him. He then told me that his score was low and he wanted to raise it because he had lost some game. During the task where he wanted to raise the score, he suddenly got the message that one of his pictures was sent to his wife (the system forces you to hand over your wifes mailadress). He then closed the browser immediately because he was scared and after he logged back in he had even less points. I told him not to log in again and I was able to convince him to come with me to our company lawyer. You have to imagine that at this point he really thought his wife and mother of his children had received his photos by mail. So I walked with the crying, shaking man through our office to our lawyer.

We explained everything to him. Yes, imagine how it is to explain something like that to someone.
My friend explained to the lawyer how it works and the lawyer gone trough the terms and conditions. He then told us that this "service" was not even close to legal. The terms and conditions say that all transferred images are owned by this company, but that everything is void and worthless, because these images are then created under duress in the running game. If you stop taking such pictures, the ones that are already in the system will be published. That would be at least "sexual coercion" and who is surprised, "blackmail". Further, it is not possible to delete your account without being sexually harassed again. Imagine, facebook would require you to post a photo of you with a dildo in your butt to delete your account. He told us that in no country in the world it is possible to agree to a contract that includes illegal actions. Further, it would be illegal to simply send nude photos to someone (his wife) unless she agrees. He said that every aspiring lawyer shoots the thing with less than three letters out of the Internet. But of course the lawyer could not do anything, because it was not a business relevant case. I guess it is like consensual blackmail contract, it works as a phantasy but such contracts are all in all worthless. I am also sure that the creators of the website know about that!

But it gets even better:
After work we went to my flat, because he was afraid to go home, because he still thought that the photos were sent to his wife. We looked at the website again on my laptop and stuck the webcam (because the webcam permanently recording what you do). I then clicked around a bit and with small adjustments to some numbers in the URL I could also view tasks and information from other players on the website(!!!). I saw absolutely private data no one should see. In the manual of the website was mentioned that there is someone employed who is also in the game (so also one who is blackmailed) who takes care of the security and programming. A single person who may not even do it voluntarily. We in the bank have whole departments that take care of our security all around the clock and we have by far not such sensitive and dangerous data with us.

The above talk about "SSC" is absolutely ridiculous.
In my opinion, this website was created by a sick sadist. The creators of the website are either extremely naive and stupid or simply malicious!

Before you register, ask yourself if it is really SSC to register on a website that is obviously illegal and where your data is poorly protected. I don't even want to imagine what will happen if the website gets into the focus of hackers.

Please stay away from it!

My advice for everyone who still uses this. Please get out of it before your data gets stolen from hackers or your data is handed over to your loved ones because of a low score!
For everyone who is in the game and can't leave, don't open it up again and contact your lawyer!

PS: My friend made it out of the system and his wife never got a mail.
thank u
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Dec 31, 2012
Guess it's pretty insane that I am still interested in that site after all I read here. ;)
My advice to you, and anyone else who reads this thread would be to compare the comments of those that have taken part themselves, against the somewhat alarmist story of "a friend" of a poster with a new account and only one post, and decide for yourself which you find to be more credible.

Of course, it is up to everybody to decide on their own how much "risk" they find acceptable, but I do feel I have to say that I have personally found the site to be run exceedingly responsibly, with the aforementioned SSC principles paramount.
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