person above permanent


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Nov 7, 2014
I've looked around for a thread like this and i am yet to find one, so, i thought of making my own.

this is a slight twist of permanent rules. each time you post a rule, it has to have something to do with there other rules (you can choose which one) bu always keep within limits.


foxtail11: I want a dare with anal pugs
Darold1234: were an anal plug all day once a week. i want one with diapers
foxtail11: ok, you can only were a diaper when all curtains and blinds are open
lizy69: since your first dare was about anal plugs, you can only masterbate with the anal lug you are wearing or not at all.
etc, etc

i hope everyone understand's, if nit, please explain how i can make it easier to understand.

I'll start, Id like a tampon related dare.

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