
  1. N

    Submissive- 19 - looking for humiliating and otherwise dares!

    I'm a submissive, and my Master has told me to ask for dares/ ideas of what He should have me do. Can be anything, though, needles and scat aren't something that He really enjoys~ Anyone have any ideas? I'll report what we do on the forum if you doooo~
  2. yvonnewilcox

    Is there a difference between just being kinky and having a fetish?

    I think that you can be kinky but not have a fetish. I guess we have to define kinky. Kinky - unconventional sexual practices and Fetish - A sexual fixation on a concept, object, or body part. Hmm so if you have a fetish then it is safe to say that you are kinky BUT if you are Kinky you do not...