A sub, her husband and two Dommes


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
OMG, sometimes my husband's insatiable...

He's doing the school run while he's off duty today, but he's got me wearing Miss Purrfect's T-Shirt, with the holes cut out for me to squeeze my boobs through, under my long peach blouse (which is semi-sheer), waiting for the trash collectors... And he's got my "modified" heels for me to wear to take the bin out to them when they're approaching 😧

You might wonder what those modifications are... Remember when Mistress had me make a new tack bra and there were some tacks let over? 😖


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Oh my God, ouch! I'm gonna need some time to heal and forget exactly how painful that was before I risk doing it again 😖

Honestly, just wearing those for five minutes was worse than a whole day in a tack bra. Every step was excruciating, and having to pull a full, heavy bin behind me, and over gravel to go around my car... Oh God, it was torture.

My eyes and my nose were streaming by the time I got the bin to the end of my drive. I went out as soon as I heard the garbage truck coming down my street, and a good thing too because it took me a few minutes just to get it there.

I got a few seconds to lean against my bin, trying to ease the pressure on my feet as my eyes and my nose streamed with the pain. When the trash collector came to take it from me to empty it I was convinced I was going to topple over!

Somehow I managed to stay upright and I think the sight of the state I was in made the guy uncomfortable, and prevented him from looking down at my body!! He must have thought I was drunk and emotional as I staggered back towards my house with the emptied bin in tow...

It took a few minutes to stem the bleeding and for the rest of the day I'm wearing my furry bootee slippers because it's the only way I can bear to walk right now. Fortunately it's not too warm again today so they're not making me sweat too much, and my husband's doing the return school run too. I guess I'd better change into a more appropriate top...


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
My friend came around for lunch again on Thursday, and most weeks we have a glass of wine as well as coffee and cake. I bought an extra bottle on Thursday morning after dropping my child off at school, because I'd be using slightly more of it today...

She's not been mentioning my weight loss as I've been working towards it, but I feel very proud of having achieved my goal to drop a dress size and despite being in between sizes, being almost there for a few weeks, finally I am down to a 14US/16UK.

Miss Purrfect came up with the idea of documenting it the previous Sunday after another of my Sunday rides and then to accidentally-on-purpose let my friend come across the image on my phone of me in my underwear. That meant early starts and extra rides Monday and Tuesday, getting photos of some of the beautiful places I ride through, and in the UK it's rained constantly all last week and pretty much all of this.

So, after spending 25 or 30 minutes of topping both of our glasses up with wine so that they hardly dropped below half full, I steered the conversation around to needing to buy some new clothes because mine were getting a little bit big on me. She told me she'd not been mentioning it because she hadn't wanted to make me feel like there was anything wrong with the way I was but that she could see I'd been working hard. I told her about my cycling and showed her the waterfall I found, then left her to scroll through the photo album of my trails while I made coffee. Sure enough, she found the image. I knew it was that one without seeing it on the screen and my heart had been pounding wondering how she'd react.

She just sat looking at it for a while, so I asked which photo she was on, leaned in to confirm that yes, it was me on screen. And then started the "oh my God, I'm so sorry, I forgot that one was there" routine. Gave her the explanation Miss Purrfect had told me to use and she giggled and said she'd wondered what it was doing there. Then I told her how hard it was to get the photo without my husband around to help.

Miss Purrfect was hoping this would make my friend volunteer to assist, but she didn't. She did tell me that she was looking forward to seeing some side-to-side photos as I continued my weight loss though... So I have another photo from Sunday ready to show her tomorrow... Miss Purrfect REALLY hopes she'll want to help this week...


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Friday was pretty quiet, but on Saturday I got a message from Mistress' partner. I'll not go into details, but I will say Mistress and her partner are a couple I'm really shipping so I try everything I can to keep them both hot for each other, and maybe I persuaded them to be a little bit too reckless one evening...

So Mistress' partner had to take the unusual step of becoming the dominant in their relationship. I took full responsibility for my part in the events and Mistress' partner decided that she ought to confiscate something from me to make up for it. I'm already short on clothes and my orgasms aren't my own any more, but my husband came up with the suggestion of me not sleeping in bed for a week...

It was a very cold and uncomfortable night sleeping naked on the floor 😣 At least I was allowed a pillow, but it took so long to get to sleep. My body was wracked when I got up for my ride on Sunday morning and the carpet had made my skin tender. I was so nervous all night that my daughter would wake up and find me like that, but luckily she slept through... My husband was originally wanting to leash me to the bed with my collar but we decided that was TOO risky...

But on Sunday I had to ask Mistress' partner permission for a blanket to sleep on because the carpet was so rough on my skin...

Mistress meanwhile let on that her partner had confiscated something from her that she'd really like back, so I messaged her partner again, offering to accept some form of additional punishment on Mistress' behalf. Her partner was intrigued by that and wanted to know what I was offering.

I'd treated myself to some new clothes in town so offered to give them up; three new pairs of jeans, five tops and even two cardigans to try and keep myself warm because all my other warm clothes are in the loft?

"That's a start. What else?"

OMG!! Um... A week without underwear? I've done it before, I guess I can do it again... I'd love for the weather to warm up though 🙄...

That wasn't enough, either though... Mistress invited me to offer something of hers, but what?

The only idea that came to me was for both of us to do an outdoor striptease for our partners in the rain. Mistress was willing, so that's what I offered, and that's what I had to do.

I wanted to wait until it got dark to avoid my neighbor's attention who can see straight into my garden, so I didn't start until nearly 11pm UK time. I hope my garden light and the song I picked didn't give me away!!

It was still raining pretty heavily, and a strong wind had picked up so I very quickly was soaked through and cold after leading my husband into our conservatory, handing him his shirt that I'd been borrowing and stepping outside to perform for him in the garden. I pulled the glass patio door shut behind me as I wanted to use it in my 'act' and when my song started (Garbage's #1 Crush, a favorite of mine that I've stripped to for him before), I pressed myself against it, getting my clothing even more saturated as I started to dance, and to gradually untuck my white vest blouse from my skirt.

As the chorus started, I raised the top enough to expose my bra, and slowly teased him with it, eventually removing it in time for the second verse.

The glass and the wind and rain were freezing to my exposed skin, and now I began gyrating my hips, teasing him playing with the hem of my skirt, showing him peeks of my ass and of my panties, then working it down my legs and off of me to join my blouse on the patio, leaving me in already soaking wet white underwear.

I unhooked and gradually removed my bra through the second chorus, my big bare breasts now directly against the glass as I started teasing the removal of my panties during the closing part of the song until it was over and I was stood in our garden naked.

He just stood looking at me through the patio door for a while, but it wasn't too long before he pulled open the door and let me inside. He told me to meet him upstairs so I went off to put my clothes in the sink with some stain remover to soak them overnight before I washed them Monday. He was already waiting for me when I got up there, bent me over our bed and pushed himself firmly, deliciously, inside me.

I pleaded with him not to make me cum because despite having fourteen and a bit orgasms "banked" (I need to put something else in the case to round the ounces up to the next even pound), I didn't think I'd be allowed to use them until at least in a couple of weeks time when I have a weekend away planned (with Emily!!)... He told me to trust him and fucked me gently and deeply as my desire grew stronger and stronger until I was starting to worry that I'd soon lose control, and worse, that I'd go too far to stop caring until it was too late! Oh my gosh, his gently thrusting manhood inside me... I felt myself clamping tight around him inside... then he pulled out!!!

I cried out in anguished protest and got a hard, sharp slap across my backside, which only made it harder to wrestle myself back under control. I felt his weight shifting behind me and thought he was getting up, but almost immediately he was back and I heard him tearing open a sachet of the Liquid Silk lubricant which can only mean one thing...

Sure enough, he began easing the cool fluid over my back passage, gently working it inside, using half of the sachet on me and then the other half on himself while he ordered me to give him two more edges.

So as he fucked my back passage, I had my hand between my legs, teasing my swollen clit and yearning pussy, feeling truly filthy and burning bright red with humiliation about how much that feeling turned me on.

I hate the feeling of anal penetration, but I love how much of a dirty slut it makes me feel doing it... Those two edges came easily enough, it was not going too far that was difficult, but I managed it even when my husband came inside my back passage as the second edge threatened to send a forbidden orgasm ripping it's way through me...

I'm extremely grateful to Mistress'partner for allowing me a blanket. Unfortunately, after that, my husband decided we didn't want to get a nice, soft fleecy blanket soiled and instead he'd laid down the old bedsheet that he uses now for gardening or protecting the floor in his workshop. Spending the night on that, with his cum leaking out of my backside, was barely any more comfortable than the previous night on the carpet, as he fell comfortably asleep on the bed above me 😖

As good as my shower is, it just wasn't good enough for all the aches and pains I had on Monday 😔.


Kink Talk Prodigy
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  • Submissive
Apr 15, 2011
I really wish it would finally warm up in the UK, as the weather forecast keeps promising (but being wrong about), all of my warm clothes are locked away, even the new ones I treated myself to on Sunday and now I don't even have underwear for the week either...

My husband was away Monday night, and set off for work while I was dropping our kid off at school Monday morning, but it was really loving and thoughtful of him to have made me a hot water bottle and left it with a soft blanket on the chair in the spare room "office".

Mistress had no objections to me using either while I worked, but sleeping on the floor again on Monday night, without even my husband home to make it somehow sexy, nearly broke me.

Mistress felt sorry for me yesterday and came up with a lovely idea for allowing me back into bed. I wanted to check with her partner that they were okay with it and they sent me their blessing. So... 🤭

My instructions were to greet my husband at the back door with my bottom half bare. Before he could come in he would have to hand over his pants and his underwear. And then he'd have an hour to give me three orgasms.

He arrived at around a quarter to midday so I took an early lunch. He was extremely surprised at how I opened the door for him (I had the security lock in place so it couldn't be opened from the outside) and even more surprises when I took charge and demanded his pants and his underwear.

He asked me what was going on when finally he could come in and I explained as I led him straight up to our bedroom. He teased me about maybe he wanted to keep me on the floor, but actually he wasted no time at all in peeling off my shirt, laying me down on the bed and covering the upper half of my body in kisses as his hand massaged my pussy, found my wetness and gently worked it's way inside me. He teased and pleasured my pussy, squeezing my labia and grinding his palm over my clit while he kissed me, sucked my nipples and my earlobe and soon enough my body was going rigid as he worked me through my first orgasm.

I wanted to curl up with him then and just be held, but we were working to a deadline and so he resisted and replaced his hand with his head. I was a little sensitive, but he knows how to use his tongue and within a minute or two, he had my body under his command again 😵

This time, I definitely needed to rest a little... I'd have loved to have had him fuck me right then, but Mistress had said that was only allowed later on at night if he could give me three orgasms within the hour of getting home, but that second orgasm had been so intense that my clit was far too sensitive now for any more direct attention...

After a wonderful, loving cuddle that I could have stayed blissfully in all afternoon, he reminded me that we had just over ten minutes left if I wanted to earn my way back to sleeping in bed before Sunday. He had me turn around and raise myself up onto all fours so that he could use both hands on me, and explore my hanging curves, making me feel very "His"... He soon had my juices flowing again and I couldn't help myself writhing into his touch as he worked his fingers inside me with one hand and massaged my clit with the other and the third orgasm came slightly too soon, but with less than five minutes of my lunch break remaining which I needed to try and gather myself for going back to work... I was REALLY not in the right mindset for the rest of the afternoon... 🤯🔥💦

I sent a quick email to Mistress'partner to thank them, It did turn me on having to do something to apologize to them, and for having to sacrifice something of my own for Mistress' sake, but the floor has been really rough on my body and my muscles, and the lack of sleep had been starting to affect my state of mind.

I will of course see out the full week without underwear, even if constant rain does make school pickups nervous affairs...

I thanked Mistress too, and asked if the orgasms I'd just enjoyed would be coming out of the ones I have "banked". She told me that they wouldn't be, if my husband wore my skirt for the rest of the day!!

He wasn't keen on the idea, but almost as soon as I had it on him, he had a very powerful erection, and slipping my hand up the skirt to grab it and play with it was very difficult to resist... I think we both got a glimpse into each other's perspectives yesterday!! I learned why he's always doing it to me, and he learned why I'm not always in the mood 🤭

I'd have loved to have had him cook dinner in it, but that wouldn't have been appropriate, but I made him keep it on under his robe while he breezed around the house in the afternoon before our child went to bed, then I had him wear it while he washed up, and didn't leave him alone ☺️😜

Although I successfully managed to complete Mistress Thea's challenge, my husband says I still owe Mistress' partner. So after I went on top and rode him until both of us came good and hard, he revealed a little "surprise" of his own... 😯

But it was so much nicer to be back in my bed, even if I did have to spend the night with my leather cuffs binding my wrists and my ankles together, ballgagged...

My jaw sure did ache this morning. But the rest of my body feels a lot better already. I wonder how he's going to keep me overnight tonight?


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
On Wednesday night my husband tied my wrists together and bound them to the headboard. Neither of us got much sleep that night as he pretty much continually teased my pussy, keeping me helpless, aroused and unsatisfied the whole night through. After he stopped and left me frustrated while he dozed off for a while, I'd have to deal with the frustration, try to calm myself and ease the growing pain in my arms and shoulders from the position I was stuck in, then just as I was starting to relax myself, he'd stir and start gently driving me crazy again!!

So my shoulders were screaming going into Thursday, and with him being away for the night, it would give me some respite and hopefully my first decent night's sleep since the weekend...

The weather was still not being co-operative with another full day pretty much of heavy rain. I wore one of my husband's hoodies over my maxi dress, trying to get some warmth from something that covered my whole body and tried to concentrate on work after dropping my kid off at school, but I was entirely preoccupied with how much my shoulders and arms hurt, and with my friend's weekly visit at lunch.

Well... we were having wine and cake as normal. I got some lovely fresh vanilla slices and a couple of bottles of wine from the Co-op in the morning... She asked me how my dieting was going and I told her I'd had to treat myself to some new clothes because I'd finally gotten down to a 16. She asked me if I would carry on documenting my changing body and I said yes and showed her the two pictures of myself that I have side to side. I told her that it took ages to get them both and she asked me if I wanted help!!

I asked her if she'd mind and she said not at all, so matter-of-factly, so I told her that I'd just have to go and put a bra on because it's a bit difficult to wear one with this dress (partially true, but really I had no underwear on at all because I'm spending the week without for Mistress' partner). Luckily she let me go without argument because if she'd encouraged me to just go for it and had me take the dress off, I don't know what I'd have done!!!

So then I came back downstairs in some lingerie, she took the snap on my phone and then I pulled my dress back on, and took my bra off from under it. And then we carried on chatting, as if it was all perfectly normal...

She did notice that I was shaking. I told her it was because I'm from Florida, I'm not built for cold weather!!!

My husband has been saying that I still owe Mistress' partner, and although he was away Thursday night, he made up for it Friday night... 🤯

He's covered an old door with cushioned leather and installed several leather straps to it, one for each wrist and ankle, then a couple that go over each of my legs and thighs, one that goes over my waist, one that goes over my chest and one over my forehead. When they're all fastened, I can barely move at all!

Once he had me fixed helplessly into place, he positioned a vibrating massage wand between my legs, enough to send powerful vibrations into my vulva, but not high enough to reach my clit. He placed a panic button into my hand that would sound a buzzer in our bedroom and then he locked me in there, in the dark, alone, and didn't come for me until I finally chickened out and pressed the button, although to be honest, unable to sleep or to cum with the constant, delicious, evil buzzing between my legs keeping me awake and aroused but permanently unsatisfied, I went a little bit loopy 😵 for a while and completely forgot I had it... 😳

By that time, it was coming up to 3.30am, but my husband did get to me pretty quickly to turn the wand off (he has electricity wired to his workshop and the wand is mains powered...) finally granting me some respite.

He'd bought my leather cuffs with him though, correctly guessing after all this time the temptation to touch myself to a forbidden orgasm would be too great to resist and so quickly got my wrists bound together behind my back, safely out of the way where I couldn't get myself into any trouble with them 😖 Then he led me naked into the house and up to bed, helped me into it on my side.

As aroused as I was, it took me a while to relax but he stayed and stroked my hair, gradually, gently, soothing me to sleep.

It was around 7.45am when I came around, uncuffed and alone in bed with my husband and daughter occupying themselves downstairs. That time of morning is a serious lie-in for us these days...

Two more nights to do, he said...😯


Kink Talk Prodigy
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  • Submissive
Apr 15, 2011
I didn't get out for my bike ride today... My bottom is far too sore!

I got to spend the night inside the house last night at least, but it wasn't in my own bedroom but in the spare room that's been serving as my office since the Coronavirus lockdown began.

My husband had me kneel on my chair so I was resting my chin on top of the chair back and tied my ankles to the armrests, then bound my wrists behind me. He collared me in my stainless steel collar, then tied another rope through the O-ring, ran the rope down the back of the chair and fastened the other end around the spindle. I got a ballgag too and he told me that I was going to have three edges before he left me to settle for the night...

The bondage already had me pretty turned on so his loving hand found my wetness pretty quickly, but his other hand wasn't so gentle and he began to rhythmically spank me as he worked me towards my first edge. My poor rump must have been glowing bright red by the time he got me there, but the experience was far from over...

Once I'd managed to regain control of myself, his hand came back between my legs, but the next hit on my backside was harder, concentrated on a smaller area - he had the wooden spatula from the kitchen! That evil little thing is great for cooking dinner and my skin and I was glad for the ballgag because I couldn't help the noise I'd otherwise have been making.

Those second edges are always so dangerous, and I was terrified of cumming accidentally... So terrified that I came close a few times but couldn't fully get there, prolonging my spanking until my ass was screaming and I had to let myself go, it would be now or never!

My husband knew it too and didn't move his hand!!! Oh my God, how I managed to stop myself, I have no idea..

Fortunately the spankings stopped now and his free hand explored my breasts as he massaged my vulva and clit, squeezing my labia between his fingers and then slipping them inside me for a while, his other hand massaging and pinching and tugging my nipple and with that the third edge happened much more quickly, too quickly...

I pleaded with my husband not to go through my gag, he laughed and told me he wasn't done with me quite yet. And then I heard him tearing open a sachet of lubricant and almost wished that HAD been it! But he worked it into me and then pushed himself firmly into my back passage to have his way with me and all I could do was groan into the gag and try not to choke myself tugging against the rope at my collar trying to get a more comfortable position... There wasn't much comfort to be found, but lucky for me that worked for him and he came within a few minutes.

He stayed inside me for a while and I wondered what the hell he was doing. I could feel him up to something...

When he did pull out, he pulled out quickly and then immediately his cock was replaced with the cold metal of my jewelled butt plug, holding as much of his mess inside me as possible.

He teased me about being careful not to leak too much or I'd be cleaning it up with my tongue 😧

Mercifully, he removed the gag before closing me into the spare room for the night. As far as bondage positions go, this one wasn't TOO bad. Obviously I wouldn't be getting the best night's sleep, but I could doze for a while a few times, and I could see the time on the clock. My legs went a little dead and my shoulders ached, and I'm a little bit sore and cranky this morning but hopefully a hot shower will fix that.

It's difficult sitting down this morning, that's my main problem, and the shower that's going to help my muscles isn't going to help that so much... But I had one additional worry before he untied me...

It's a leatherette seat, so cleaning it is relatively easy, but the mess wouldn't have been all that pleasant, because I'm due to start my time of month any day. I've been hoping it's sooner rather than later because I kind of have plans next weekend and thankfully it began early this afternoon.

But for now, I owe Mistress' partner one more night...

Also today will be my seventh day without underwear, and I'm now going to need that back, so I'm hoping Mistress' partner says that's okay...?

And I'm not sure what's to become of the new clothes Mistress let me treat myself to last weekend...


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Oh my God. Oh. My. God… I’ve had all day recovering alone with my husband doing very vanilla things, trying to reconnect with him and I still can’t get my head around all that happened…

If you read my update on our NYE fun, or read anything I’ve written since, you’ll know that a friend of mine from our circle who I call Emily on here (I don’t use real names for any of my friends and I’m not going to detail my system of coming up with pseudonyms for them either) came onto me pretty strongly in a pub restroom and made it clear that she wanted to domme me, and that it’s been pending ever since.

Well, this was that weekend…

First I’ll bring you up to speed with what happened with my vanilla friend who visits me for lunch every Thursday, especially since last week she made Miss Purrfect’s wish come true of volunteering to photograph me in my bra and panties… I’d been so nervous all week of her next visit and what might happen… What if she thought I’d been deliberately coming onto her? And worse, what if she was actually interested in taking our relationship to another level? OMG, it’s already been weighing so heavily on my mind how turned on but how guilty being turned on about spending one-on-one time with Emily was making me feel! If my friend wanted more, would I have to commit to it? What would my husband think?? And if I then let her down after leading her on so much, how much of a shitty friend would that make me???

I tried to be discreet on Thursday about drinking more wine than my friend did for a change… and pretty early on she bought up the subject of how my exercise was going and if I’d managed to get my photo this week!

No, I admitted, so she invited me to hand over my phone so she could do it for me right there in my conservatory!


So off came my skirt and my top and I stood there, in my underwear, praying I wasn’t getting too wet that it would become visible while she took a single photograph for me, and then she handed my phone back and I hurriedly dressed. She patted the cushion of the sofa next to her – I normally sit opposite her in one of the two armchairs in there – and, my heart pounding, I sat next to her…

“I always wanted a sister,” she told me… Neither of us have any siblings, and as one of the very first friends I made when I moved to the UK, she’s my closest friend over here. And she thought that’s what I’d been looking for too!!

OMG, what a huge relief that was… So, yeah, I have a sister now

With that settled, I just had to worry about getting through the weekend. I’d gotten a text, I think it was on Monday, from Emily saying she’d received my keys. I had no idea what that meant, but I (correctly) guessed my husband was up to something…

He told me on Wednesday that he’d be packing “all I need” for the weekend and that Emily had the keys to the padlocks he’d be locking my case shut with!! And I’d have no idea what was in there until she deemed fit to open it!!!

Friday morning came entirely too fast and began with the realization that I would be spending the day essentially looking like a prostitute. Even when dropping my little one off for their last day of the school year, and saying thank you to their teacher and classroom assistants!

The outfit consisted of a lurid pink leopard-print clingy miniskirt, a white lace blouse that probably would have made me feel pretty sexy if I’d had a discreet white bra on underneath it instead of the neon pink one my husband picked out and massive pink hoop earrings. Emily sent me some makeup to wear with it, bubblegum pink eye shadow, hot pink blusher and pink lipstick. And a final surprise from my husband, a pair of platform pink patent fuck-me-shoes with enormous steel stiletto heels that wouldn’t look out of place on a stripper or a porn star… Oh, and he wanted my hair in pigtails. Of course. To borrow an English expression I looked and felt like “a proper old tart.” He even got me a pink cloth facemask to match. Very thoughtful.

After the school run, my husband would be dropping me off at the train station and leaving me to it… Oh my God, but everybody must have been staring at me. And of course, wearing no panties, I’d not be allowed to sit on my skirt, which gave me a real dilemma waiting for the train… sit down and freeze my bare butt off on a metal bench, or stand and wait with everybody’s eyes all over me?? In the end I picked the latter, but I’m pretty sure my face flushed bright enough to match the makeup

Once the train arrived at the mall and Emily met me on the platform, I felt slightly less conspicuous. But only slightly. She, of course, looked absolutely gorgeous in slightly iridescent pink leggings and a soft white sleeveless top with a slight little bit of a bump starting to show because she’s now four and a half months pregnant! Which had a slight effect on the weekend, mainly because she needed more bathroom stops than normal and suffers with the morning sickness which actually happens at any point throughout the day, even all the day through sometimes. Fortunately on Friday morning, she was just coming out of it by the time we met up so after taking me to her car to put my case in her trunk/boot, we both had a bathroom stop and then went about finding somewhere to sit down and have a coffee and a catch up.

Which was easier said than done because the main food court was closed and although there are plenty of cafes and restaurants, they all seemed to be serving takeout only! We ended up getting takeout coffees and cakes and then going all the way back to Emily’s car to eat them!

So we spent a long time having a girly chat like normal people; this is the first time we’d been together since the New Year and, despite the nature of the particular circle she and I know each other through, we are actually pretty good friends (I did after all trust her and her fiance with kidnapping me for my husband’s birthday last year) and we had a lot to talk about, especially with her proposing to Thomas on 29 February after they’ve been together for so many years, and then her pregnancy, and everything that’s been happening in the world since at least March, and it seems even earlier. So, aside from sitting on my bare backside in her passenger seat, the first hour and a half, almost, was pretty normal.

But we had a few missions that we wanted to carry out… I need something to wear for my husband’s birthday weekend next month and we had a dare that The King actually set for my husband and I way back last year that we were going to perform for our partners live via WhatsApp so we needed to find somewhere we could go into a fitting room. And, girls at the mall, we wanted to shop too!

We spent some time in Hotel Chocolat (no free samples today) and Emily browsed through a couple of boutiques (and needed a bathroom break because the coffee went right through her). We both had a browse in Victoria’s Secret who have some beautiful things, but it’s always been a store I struggle with because they never seem to have anything I want in my size… I fare slightly better with the UK brand Ann Summers and later on I would be pleasantly surprised by Boux Avenue, but that’s skipping ahead a little…

By the time we stopped for lunch (and returned again to Emily’s car to eat it because the limited seating available was all taken up) we’d failed to find anywhere with an open fitting room suitable for our dare, and it was looking like we’d have to use a bathroom cubicle instead. After eating and going back to the toilet (both of us this time), we went to check out Boux Avenue. Or, rather, Emily did, and demanded I give her the cash I had in my purse for spending and made me wait outside.

Ten minutes later she returned with a sealed bag and just over half of the money she’d gone into the store with but confirmed yet again that the fitting room was closed due to the coronavirus pandemic… So there would only be one thing for it. Meanwhile, Miss Purrfect, who I think was enjoying the updates while I was able to send them on Friday, suggested I keep my shoes on if I was doing that in the bathroom – unless Emily wanted me to do it just wearing one, and trying to balance, while Emily maybe held my other ankle… Even with all the weight I’ve lost, and my exercises, I’m not sure I’d be able to balance like that, especially in those shoes… She also suggested I let Emily write whatever she wanted on my body… Emily liked that idea.


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Every time we went to the bathroom we had to join a queue which would even be long by Christmas shopping standards, so when we both got inside, sharing a cubicle must have raised some eyebrows… Unfortunately neither of us could get a reliable Wi-Fi signal in this bathroom, so instead Emily filmed it to send to our partners later. As it turned out, my husband wouldn’t have been able to have enjoyed it live anyway…

The King’s original dare called for me taking a dress to try on into a fitting room and after stripping all of my own clothes off, I video-call my husband so he can watch me trying it on my naked body, and then after taking it off, the real fun begins. His idea was to use half a bottle of cooking oil. Emily and I decided that would make far too much mess, so instead we had a whole bottle of baby oil, but I would have to use the whole thing. Just like in The King’s dare, I would have to get it all over myself, even in my hair…

So Emily started filming and instructed me to take my blouse off, even helping me with a few of the buttons, and then hand it over to her so she could stuff it into her bag. Then my bra, and finally my skirt… then she had me stand with my legs as far apart as I could get them in the cubicle and with my hands on my head while she wrote on me with black eyeliner… “Emily’s slut” over my breasts. “Whore hole” on my waxed pubic mound over my pussy. And something on my back which she didn’t tell me until Sunday… “Blouse off £5. Bra off £20. Get me naked £50” Luckily, if anybody could read that through my lace blouse, nobody took us up on it.

With that done, she had me turn back around, remove one shoe and rest my bare foot on the toilet lid, opening me up nicely for her camera… She passed me the bottle of baby oil and, as per The King’s dare, I emptied it all over myself and rubbed it in thoroughly, all over, hair, body, legs, feet, all of my curves… oh my God, it seemed to take forever, there was so much of it!! I got it all over me, and all over the floor, and once the bottle was empty it was time to play with myself for the camera until I came… It was so loud in there though, doors kept slamming, hand dryers were constantly turning on and off, people were chatting, and all the time I was thinking that the staff were going to start wondering what was taking us so long and come to investigate… They didn’t, but trying to relax enough to get myself turned on enough took some doing. And then when it did, I had another sickening realization; although Mistress has granted me fifteen orgasms, I haven’t cleared with her whether I could actually have any this weekend! Emily loved it when I told her that, but she made it clear that I wouldn’t be getting dressed and leaving this bathroom until I had the orgasm that The King’s dare demanded…

Oh my God, paradox… Will Mistress allow me this orgasm? Or will I have to be punished? And why, of all things, did that finally get me aroused enough to cum so hard I could barely keep it quiet???

After resting barefoot on the toilet lid, I was really looking forward to a shower… Putting the clothes on my body that was still slick with the amount of oil I’d covered it in felt filthy and wrong, and the shoes were really hurting, I couldn’t help but gasp with pain as I walked awkwardly out of the cubicle to go and wash my hands (not really a good idea with all the baby oil) while Emily locked the door behind me so she could actually use the toilet for it’s intended purpose… When she joined me, she offered me the chance to take my shoes off for a while, but that would have meant walking barefoot all the way back through the mall, all the way to her car, all the way across the hotel car park and into it through reception and finally into our room… I decided to keep the shoes, but I regretted it for the rest of the day.

Still, it was time to leave the mall and go check in. I was looking forward to cleaning up and resting a little bit. Oh, how wrong was I? But Emily had one surprise of her own before we left the bathroom – those masks we were having to wear would be perfect for covering up a ballgag, she whispered, and when we had it to ourselves, she produced an enormous pink one from her bag and “helped” me put it on before covering it up with my cloth mask… With my hair in (now very ratty, oily) pigtails, I don’t think the strap for the gag was hidden at all, but that’s how I made my way back to her car and through the hotel after she checked us in.

As soon as we got into the room, she stripped me naked and with some rope from one of her own cases, tied me strappado-style to the coat rail by the door – the room didn’t have a closet as such, just an open area for hanging clothes up in between the door and a large mirror, and then a few shelves. “I think you remember these,” she said, producing her jewelled clamps and fixing them to my labia and she left me struggling there while she went and had herself a shower.

When she came out she moved the clamps from my labia to my nipples and then climbed into the huge double bed to watch me struggle and plead with her around my ballgag for a while as the jewelled clamps swung heavily from the nipples of my hanging breasts.

After a while, she came and joined me, ran her hand delicately over my backside, cupping and squeezing my udders, making circles with them so that the clamps swung around and around… Very briefly she rubbed my pussy but only until her fingers found my wetness, and then she broke contact, telling me that she didn’t think my Mistress would be too happy with her if she gave me too many unauthorized orgasms!!

She asked me if I was wondering about the key to my case. I mmphed an affirmative response and she showed me her charm bracelet. Oh my God, they’d been on there the whole time! But she wouldn’t be opening it just yet, she said. I’d have to wait until after dinner… Which was booked for 8.30…

What would she do with me over the next hour and a half?

After removing the nipple clamps, and making me glad I was gagged because oh my God did that hurt, she untied me from the strappado and let me rest my arms a little while her hands enjoyed exploring my curves and she commented on how much different my body was from the last time she’d seen me. Oh my goodness, did her hands feel good… We had a chair in the room, a tall, all-leather thing. She had me kneel on it and fold my arms behind my back… it was a bit of a struggle reaching around the chairback, but I could just about manage it, although the position quickly became as uncomfortable as my jaw was getting in the enormous gag as she tied my wrists and forearms together, and then set about fixing my ankles to the rear chair legs so that they were as open as we could get them. Once she had me fixed in place, she started binding my breasts in an uplifting cupcake tie that made them bulge out at the ends, more and more obscenely each time she wrapped the rope around them, until she tied the rope off behind my back. Finally, she unfastened the gag and let me moan in discomfort as I painfully got used to being able to use my jaw again. And then she produced a bottle of wine from one of her cases and poured it into one of the glass tumblers that the hotel provided for us.

“I’m not really supposed to drink while pregnant,” she said, feeding me a sip which, obviously, spilled out down my body. “But I do miss it.”

She raised the glass to let me take another sip. Slightly more successfully this time, but still with a little spillage.

“But I don’t think a little bit would hurt,” she finished, and then put the glass to my breast so that she could submerge the bulging end and swollen nipples in the wine, before setting the glass down and working her tongue over my breast, licking it thoroughly… ohhhhh my goooooddddd….. Again and again she soaked them, alternating between left and right, and then licking, sucking, more forcefully each time, sucking my nipples solidly erect and coating them with her saliva as she took every trace of wine from them, and each time, her fingers would teasingly brush my soaking, yearning vulva…

Before too long, the bondage was causing me more discomfort than her tongue was giving me pleasure, even though her tongue was giving me pleasure… She “helped” me drink the remainder of the tumbler and then, mercifully, untied me and left me to rub some feeling back into my arms and my thighs and feet… Owch, the pins and needles!!!

So then it was time for us to get ready for dinner, although I wasn’t allowed a shower. Instead, Emily lent me some moist wipes and some perfume, and also some jewelry and a “blouse” that was black and sheer, although it was designed to be oversized and floaty, with big puffy sleeves. She’s at least a size smaller than me, though; on my body it was tighter and therefore more revealing than its designer intended. The jewelry consisted of a necklace, three layers of chain that wrapped snugly around my neck and then forced a V over my chest. Hanging from the V was a decorative tassel and then two further chains hung down either side, leading to a noose either side to hang over my nipples!! Thank goodness that the meal in the hotel restaurant would be table service only and that once seated, we wouldn’t be having to get up!

I had a little bit of time to fill Mistress and Miss Purrfect in on what happened in the toilet cubicle, but then it was time for us to go to dinner. I still had on the same skirt and shoes, and no panties, and I still felt sticky from all the baby oil!!

At least the food was delicious, if a little overpriced for what they gave us. Yet again I was blushing as brightly as my makeup the whole time and didn’t dare risk looking around at any of the other diners. Thank goodness for social distancing…


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
We were both a little tired (and I was more than a little tipsy, which I’m going to firmly say was a necessity given the circumstances) when we got back to the room, but Emily wanted to see what was in my case, and all I’d have to do was to turn all the lights on, open the curtains and the window and strip to the breast jewelry she’d lent me! Simple, right?

So, what did my husband think I needed this weekend? Surprisingly, he did pack me a change of clothes… a very cheap black patent miniskirt with a big circular zip up the front that if I was being very polite I could call vegan leather… a very sheer black chiffon top that barely looked like it would survive the rain that would fall the following day, let alone a wash cycle. And he had packed me a black bra to go with it; the unpadded black tack bra that Mistress had me make

Also in the case was the “submissives’ uniform” of our circle; the black leather waist corset with suspenders, black seamed stockings and black patent stiletto-heeled pumps.

He’d also packed me some shoes and stockings; a left blue and a left pink shoe, and a right white and a right red shoe. One white stocking, one red fishnet stocking, one white fishnet stocking and one blue fishnet stocking. No panties though.

Beyond the “clothing” there were my nipple clamps, and a brand new set of clamps, these ones with plastic-tipped edges and a little lever for adjusting the tightness. There was my simple small vibrator, my own ballgag and leather cuffs for my wrists and ankles. My stainless steel collar. A box of plastic clothespins. Our massage wand vibrator. The remainder of the liquid latex from my cycle slut outfit Miss Purrfect had me make. Plenty of rope. My chastity belt, with both of it’s plugs attached.

Emily took out all of these items and laid them on the bed as she appraised them carefully, making sure I stayed framed butt naked in the window as I watched. The last item made her smile and me squirm as a cold chill went down my spine; a brand new violet wand!

“We’ll have plenty of fun with these,” she assured me. “But I’m getting tired now, so we need to get ready for tonight.”

She had me put on the leather corset, stockings and black shoes, and then gave me the bag from Boux Avenue. Inside was a beautiful claret babydoll slip. It came with a matching thong, although obviously that was off the menu tonight, but she had me try the babydoll on and it fits perfectly. It’s gorgeous, but it’s very, very sheer… and then she told me that she wanted to go and get a couple of bottles of water from the vending machine along the corridor!

Once again, I was gagged and masked, and she put on my leather cuffs and then used a length of rope to bind my hands behind my back, and once she was sure the coast was clear, she took me out of the room and made me walk ahead of her through the corridor towards the vending machines, terrified the whole time that somebody would come out of one of the rooms, or the elevator, or that we’d be caught on the CCTV… Emily had no such fears, even telling me not to rush, “I’m pregnant, you know!”

We made it to the vending machines, but then Emily wanted me to put the money in, and to press the buttons to make our selection!

Oh my god, I fumbled with the change and dropped it twice, the second time earning myself a spank on my backside that sounded so loud in the empty corridor! Finally I got it in, but then I got the code wrong… Second time I was successful and a bottle of water was dropped into the trough. But Emily wanted us to have a bottle each…

Again, I dropped one of the coins. Emily made me crouch down to retrieve it myself this time, pinched my right nipple to “motivate” me as I frantically searched for it. Somehow I found it, and she tugged me up still pinching hard on my nipple, until I was upright and able to feed the coin into the slot. I got the code wrong… I was starting to sweat and I was shaking a little bit… I tried again. Still no luck. “If you get it wrong again and it spits the money out I’m leaving you here,” Emily threatened. Oh. My. God!!!

I tried again… thankfully I heard the machine whirring and the reassuring, but very loud thump of the bottle. Only one challenge left…

I had to crouch right down as low as I could go. Pushing open the flap with my hands the wrong way around took some figuring out. My heart was pounding and I had a real sheen of sweat now, making me feel all sticky all over again… My scrambling fingers brushed cold plastic and I got hold of one of the bottles, bringing it out, but now that made it more difficult for me to reach to find the other one. All the while Emily was taunting me about somebody coming, or it making a great movie for pornhub… Oh my God, where was it?

It seemed like an eternity when finally my fingers found the platic lid of the bottle and I pinched hold of it as hard as I could manage. But now I couldn’t get it out! I tugged and tugged, almost losing hold of it!

Desperation started to hit and I felt my eyes welling up… Emily was really enjoying the show. The crouch was making my legs shake and I was burning hot, slick with sweat and baby oil… and then, somehow, I got it free, almost sending myself crashing over onto my face! Emily took a hold of me to steady me so that I could stand up, and then both of us hurried back to our room. Emily struggled with the keycard a couple of times, which really didn’t help the rapidly building sense of panic, but then the light shone green and the door opened and we were back in the safety of our room! Now I was just praying we’d not get an angry knock on our door…

Emily kept my wrists bound and helped me drink. I’m sure she was deliberately spilling it down me, oh my God, it was so cold! She made me drink the whole bottle before finally she released me so I could go and shower, but she wanted me to put my corset, stockings and heels back on once I was clean. Luckily, the hotel provided shampoo and shower gel since my loving husband didn’t think to pack me any, and it was quite nice too. I was so looking forward to finally getting clean, but then Emily came into the bathroom and turned the temperature of the shower right down!!! It wasn’t exactly freezing, more lukewarm, but it didn’t do my aching muscles and joints any favors… In fact, I had to rush to get myself clean just so I could shut the water off and try and warm back up towelling myself off and getting dressed again. I did at least have a toothbrush, so I gave them a good brush and just as well because Emily had another surprise for me when I got back out of the bathroom, although from the porn she’s been sending me, I really should have expected it.

At least she used my gag overnight, but over it she put a black hood with no eyeholes, no mouth hole, just two small openings for my nostrils. It tightened around my head with drawstrings and then a leather belt fastened it closed around my neck, shutting me into darkness. She guided me onto the bed on my front and tied my wrists to my thighs. Then she bound my ankles together, and once they were secured, she made me bend my knees to raise my legs up, then with another length of rope, tied my ankle bindings to the collar of the hood, forcing my legs as far back as I could get them. I got a sharp spank on my backside and I heard her bid me goodnight, and then I was left alone for I don’t know how long… I’m not sure if I slept, hallucinated, or just went temporarily mad...


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
By the time I realized my legs were being untied and lowered back down onto the bed, Emily was already working on untying my ankles. One of them was quickly refastened to a point at the far side of the bed which I’d later find out was the wheel at the bottom right hand side from my vantage point face down. Oh my God, I have absolutely no idea what time that was or how long I’d been kept in my hooded pseudo-hogtie, but I knew it had gotten painful, probably my moaning was what had prompted her to wake up and change my position, and I knew I liked having my legs tied apart more than my previous position because now I had Emily’s hands caressing my pussy and soon finding my wetness. She worked me like that, rubbing her hand up and down, fingers towards my clit, teasing it and my labia and my vagina which was desperate for her to push her fingers into it… I realized after she moaned happily at the fact that I was writhing myself against her hand, but she just kept rubbing me like that, denying my clit or my vulva any real attention, just rubbing, teasing, arousing, seemingly endlessly until I edged and very nearly could have cum if she hadn’t have painfully pinched my labia just then and ordered me not to!

She left me like that for a few minutes while she went to the bathroom. When she came back she once more untied my legs, this time letting me turn around onto my back, easing the pressure on my chest and belly, especially where the corset was squeezing me. It also lessened some of the heat my head was feeling inside the hood, letting me get some nice cooling breaths free of the bedsheets.

Once I was on my back, she tied me with my legs spread again and her hand found its way back between my legs, but this time she was being a little bit rougher, pinching and pulling on my labia in between teasing the opening of my vagina and my buzzing clit. The first edge had left me very sensitive down there, so I was very responsive to her tight pinches and hard tugs… Oh my God, why could such forceful treatment turn me on so much?? It seemed like no time at all until I felt the fire of building orgasm again and Emily could sense it, eased the soft teasing and intensified the torment of my labia to prolong the experience, but even so my arousal continued getting stronger and stronger until I edged again and she pinched my clit, making me thrash about helplessly in pain and frustration as the desire rapidly subsided.

I felt her unbuckling the strap around my neck and finally she pulled the hood off me. The room was in darkness, but it didn’t take my eyes long to adjust after the pitch black of the hood. “I was going to save this,” Emily told me. “But I think we’re both ready for it.”

I heard her breaking something and then felt her place something over my nipples, on my neck, over my pubic mound and even inside my pussy. “You’re so hot it’s going to melt really quickly,” she said and I realized what it was; the chocolate she’d bought from Hotel Chocolat!

She started licking it from my left breast and the nipple swelled under her tongue as she did so. She took her time, licking, sucking, occasionally gently biting, covering my breast once again in her saliva as she bid to completely clear it of the melting chocolate, and all the time she was doing that, all I could feel was the chocolate melting inside my vulva, and yearn for her tongue to head down there.

But she needed to “clean” my right breast first, just as thoroughly as she had done the left… The chocolate was mixing with my wetness and I was terrified it was just going to run all over the hotel bedding and leave a humiliating stain, but oh my God did it feel good… Cold air on my soaked left breast, Emily’s hot tongue cleaning my right, my nipples solidly, almost painfully erect as she worked at them hungrily… Finally, after what seemed an eternity, although I was torn between never wanting it to end and for her to move on, finally she seemed to have my right breast as clean as the left, and I felt her trailing her hair down my skin until it came to the corset, and then she began eating the melting chocolate from my pubic mound that earlier had been a billboard for my “whore hole” where the chocolate surely must have been nothing more than chocolate sauce mixed with my wetness by now… Still she lingered teasingly, her tongue so close to where I wanted it but so far away as well with me bound as helplessly as I was… It felt so good, but it kind of tickled too, but even though the hood had come off, I was still gagged! And bound; there was absolutely nothing I could do about it and if I laughed too hard, I’d not be able to breathe!

She seemed to take so long I’m surprised morning didn’t come before finally she started licking me clean where I most wanted it, and oh my GOD was it worth waiting for!! She was as slow and deliberate as she had been with all the rest of my body, but I could barely stand it… I was sure I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from cumming and as she turned her attention towards what must have been a very chocolaty bit of my vulva, I started to lose control, was convinced this would be an orgasm instead of an edge. What could I do to stop myself? Nothing!

Well, almost nothing… the only thing I could reach, pretty much the only movement I could muster at all was to dig my fingernails hard into my thighs… That self-inflicted little bit of pain did the trick. It was still hard to not cum, but I managed to give myself something less pleasant to focus on and eventually Emily realized and stopped.

If only I could have collapsed into the bed, I would have done. I was exhausted now, heart pounding so hard I thought I’d pass out, hair plastered wet with perspiration… Emily didn’t untie me though. Now it was my turn… It was all I could do not to cry out loudly when she unfastened and helped me get the gag out of my mouth.

Time and time again she smeared melting chocolate around the tips of her breasts and then pressed them to my mouth to lick all of it off, to work my tongue around her nipples and her curves, to suck and hold them with my tongue against the roof of my mouth while I shook my head to make them shake… All the while she was doing that, she was grinding herself against my thigh and I could feel my stocking getting wetter and wetter until finally she put all the remaining chocolate to her vulva and crawled up the bed to sit on my face so I could clean her… She didn’t last long that way before she came hard, grinding herself down against my face and letting out an animal growl of ecstacy. She stayed there for a while breathing heavy and letting her juices run onto my face before she eventually climbed off of me and went back to the toilet.

She untied my left leg then, just so I could give her her side of the bed back really. Apart from that she kept me bound on my back and the two of us eventually drifted off to sleep.
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Reactions: The king


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
I'm sorry guys, I'd love to write up more but this whole weekend has taken it out of my physically, mentally and emotionally and I need to rest a little while. I will share all of the details with you as soon as I possibly can, I promise, but I'm done for tonight... :sleep:😘


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Apr 15, 2011
Hi guys. Sorry for not updating last night, my husband wanted to watch the videos from the weekend with me. It's very weird being made to masturbate while watching myself on screen, especially when I was allowed to cum in the video, but not while watching it back...

I was a little late starting tonight, apologies again, but being a mom has to come first. So again, it's a shorter update than I wanted to post tonight...

When I woke up, or came round, whichever it was, I was pretty desperate for the bathroom, but so was Emily and she was in charge so I had to wait while she went first, and wait she made sure I did…

She also teased me with an idea for tying my tits to the underside of the toilet seat so they’d get crushed pretty good when she sat down on it, and also they’d be in the line of fire for her pee. Thankfully, she didn’t try it. But I was painfully desperate to go when, finally after she’d gotten herself showered, dressed and made up, she untied my wrists from my thighs and my ankle from the bed so I could dash in and relieve myself… no time for me to shower though because she wanted us to go and get breakfast. I guess she is eating for two right now…

So to my dilemma with the “outfit” my husband had packed for me for today (note there was no third outfit for Sunday). Pink bra, that would be VERY obvious under the extremely sheer black top he’d packed me, or the slightly more subtle but very much more uncomfortable black tack bra?

Emily threw in a third option which was no bra at all and decided to take the choice away from me by flipping a coin for it – she’s seen how much trouble coin flips have gotten me into with Mistress…

Fortunately, I “won” that one… She was going to flip again to decide which bra, but I pleaded with her not the tack bra, so she relented and let me wear the pink one. I still haven’t made my mind up if that was the right choice because it was SO obvious…

It was table service again, but still I had no panties, and still I wasn’t allowed to sit on my skirt. My shiny black imitation leather plastic skirt was very stiff too and I still had the waist corset and stockings on, but at least I didn’t have to hitch it up TOO far; it was very short… I felt so, so humiliated, uncomfortable and ashamed, sat there while Emily made the most of it being all you can eat.

Almost a full hour later, we finally headed back to our room. Emily had me take the top and skirt off, and fold them neatly and place them on the chair she’d tied me to the previous night. As it turned out, she’d bought a second bottle of baby oil and one of my first jobs after graduating high school was as a masseuse and she wanted to take advantage of that, but she also wanted to feel my bare breasts brushing her back while I worked… And a few extra perks with her massage. My hands going places where a professional’s hands usually don’t…

After she came around from her massage and her orgasm, she wanted another shower, but she told me she needed to make sure I was “safe and secure” and tied my wrists behind my back, then fixed me by my neck to the coat rail by the door. I didn’t feel safe, particularly as housekeeping were already working their way around the hotel and she wouldn’t put out the “Do Not Disturb” sign!!

I waited there nervously, the rope around my neck seeming to get tighter with every passing second while I dreaded getting that knock on the door… thankfully Emily emerged from the bathroom before that happened, and now I could put the sign out… but still in my “submissive uniform” and with my hands still bound behind me!!!

Finally it was my turn to clean, but I wouldn’t be getting a shower this time – it seems Emily has been keeping up with my updates on here and had ran me a bath. A COLD bath, and she wanted to watch me as I washed to make sure I cleaned properly and didn’t try to warm myself up! Oh my GOD, it was so painful!!!

Once I was thoroughly cleaned and dried, and I’d packed away yesterday’s outfit and all of my, um, things in my case to Emily’s satisfaction, and I had my wait corset, stockings, sheer top and ridiculous black skirt back on, it was time to carry Emily’s bags and then my case back to her car. She decided to take advantage of the odd shoes my husband had packed for me so I made all three trips there and back wearing one pink and one red shoe. Hopefully that was enough to draw people’s attention away from the fact that I didn’t get a bra now… but probably not

I expected us to go straight to Emily’s house, but she had yet another surprise for me and drove us to the train station at the centre of the city she lives in where we picked up “Samantha,” another member of our circle that lives with her husband in Bristol. We went to visit them last year when my husband’s football team played theirs, with Sam and I wagered to be slave to the other couple depending on which team won (my husband’s lost). Emily was not too impressed with the white trainers Sam had travelled up to us in and had her take them off immediately so she had to walk barefoot back to the car, while I had to carry her shoes AND her bag...

THEN we went back to Emily’s place. After she checked that neither of her neighbors were around, I had to strip off my top and skirt and Sam, wearing a camo-print skirt, white vest top and a grey hoody, had to strip naked before Emily would let us in. And STILL I had to carry all the bags while Sam got dressed into her own corset, stockings and black patent heels.

Emily had us handle all of her unpacking, had Sam make her a pot of tea while I had to tidy her kitchen. Then we both had to kneel in her living room, waiting patiently, hands folded behind our backs while she drank and relaxed on her sofa. And then she put us both to work to earn our lodgings for the night.


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Emily had fun putting Sam and I to work as her housemaids. Sam got kitchen duty and got put to work cleaning the work surfaces with her wrists and ankles shackles on a short chain. I get pretty fed up of kitchen duty, seems like I'm always in there, but actually I think Sam got the easier job.

I was shackled too, but my job was dusting and vacuuming Emily's living room. The dusting was easy enough and didn't test my range of freedom too much... But the vacuuming really made me have to work! By the time I got done I'd worked up an embarrassing sweat...

Emily had enjoyed watching from the sofa with a cool drink so she led me back to the kitchen so that we could watch Sam wash her glass. Then she took the both of us upstairs to clean her bathroom.

Her toilet was clean, but she needed some way of tracking who licked around it fastest. And she couldn’t make it easy for us… Have you tried the chilli chocolate? It packs a bit of a kick, and licking it from the rim of her toilet was a very uncomfortable experience.

But it was a race. The winner would get a drink to take the burn away. And the loser… well…

Clean as it was, I’m not overly used to licking toilets, I’ve only done it a couple times before and it’s not my favorite humiliation. Nor do I have much of a taste for overly spicy foods. So, long story short, I lost.

While Sam got a nice drink to soothe the heat in her mouth, I got guided into the room that’s going to be the nursery. The bed was gone, but the frame was still there, stood up vertically, waiting. And it was literally just a metal frame.

She had so much rope… She started by binding my wrists to my thighs, and then she roped my torso to the bed frame over and under my bust, and around my waist. Then she bound my ankles together and fixed them to the frame as well, and then my legs above my knees Of course, I needed a crotchrope… then a gag, and since I’d lost the challenge, this one had a spicy secret ingredient of Tabasco sauce!!!

At least it wasn’t on the crotchrope, I guess…

Now she had me tied, it was time for the wrappings… Clingfilm, and a lot of it. Starting with my ankles and working her way up my legs, layer upon layer, wrapped around me tightly, feeling more and more constricting with every loop, and hot, so very hot… When she got to the top of my thighs, she left a small gap, keeping my crotchroped pussy uncovered, and wrapped next around my waist, working her way upwards to my breasts. I wondered if she’d leave them uncovered too, but she didn’t – she pulled the clingfilm extra tightly around them.

I’d thought the corset and the ropes were tight on my body… oh my god, there would be no way I’d ever be able to get myself out of this unaided. I could barely writhe. The more she wrapped me, the more I felt like I was cooking, and the spices in my mouth were not helping matters. I was definitely sweating profusely… She kept going until all of my body was covered, ankles to neck, using at least four rolls. Sam knelt in the doorway watching the whole time, arms folded behind her back.

When Emily was done, she told Sam to bring my case to her. Meanwhile, Emily reintroduced me to my friend from last night – the black hood!

Oh my God, no… But I couldn’t fight her and I couldn’t really argue in the ballgag, so it was forced down over my head, once more shutting me into blinding darkness… Oh God, if I’d thought I’d been cooking before…!!!

I felt her hand between my legs, and then the pinch of clamps on my labia… but then the pinch got slowly tighter as she adjusted the screws on the new pair my husband had packed for me for the weekend until it made me cry into the gag.

“Plug that in,” I heard Emily tell Sam. And then “hold it there, no matter what happens.” And then I felt the extreme sensation of the massage wand vibrator against my exposed sex… oh my God, if they were going to hold that there for any length of time, I would be powerless to resist orgasm after orgasm… and then I became aware of something VERY hot on my right breast, suddenly joined by an equally hot burning on my left… and it kept coming, a new hot spot on one breast, then the other, unending, and I was crying out uncontrollably into the gag, trying to thrash about but held fast, my brain struggling to make sense of what the hell was happening as my tits were burned and my pussy was vibrated mercilessly… oh my God, candle wax! She was dripping wax over the clingfilm over my breasts! Oh God, it seemed so hot! But that massage wand…

“Okay, stop,” Emily said and both sensations ceased. I could barely catch breath, I only had my nostrils to breathe through and it seemed like they were both blocked with mucus… My heart pounded hard in my chest and my throat felt like it was being cold-burned, in stark contrast to the heat on my breasts and in my mouth…

“Keep very still,” Emily said… and then I felt cool air on my left breast as it was cut free from the clingfilm. Once it was free, she released my right too. I felt her fingers tapping on my nipples as she taunted me “eeny, meeny, miney...”

My right nipple was “mo”. Oh my God, what would she do to me now?

“Keep tugging on this chain,” Emily said, and then my labia clamps were tugged sharply! There was a couple of seconds respite before Sam started tugging on them rhythmically, but that would turn out to be the least of my concerns.

Emily’s hand rubbed around my right breast and then pinched a little bit of skin. I felt her putting one of the clothespins on my breast. Then another… and another… relentless, she kept putting them on me, tiny little bites all over my right tit until she felt she’d gotten as many on as she could. She took hold of my breast and shook it up and down. Ooooohhhhhh…

Sam stopped tugging on the chain, and then the clamps’ bite loosened slightly before Emily took them off and pain washed through my poor pussy… But the pain was just beginning because now Emily was going to test out my violet wand on my cunt and on my unpinned left breast… The first zap was to the inner thigh of my left leg and oh my God, did it hurt! I wondered if I’d wet myself? I honestly had no idea, but if my bladder had needed to let go, I wouldn’t have been able to stop it…

Was the anticipation worse, as Emily experimented with it so that I would never know where to expect the next shock?

Ow, shit, no! It was definitely the pain! All around my left breast, a couple times even directly to the nipple, and over my thighs and my labia… the one on my clit made me scream so hard I nearly passed out, and Emily had to comfort me for a while… That was the last one. And then she had Sam press the vibrating wand to me again while she unclipped each of the clothespins from my right breast, really taking her time over it so every release of pain was intense! But it didn’t stop – the vibrator stayed right where it was and despite the spreading agony of each clothespin release, my orgasm built fast and came hard!

Only then was it removed… “I wonder what your Mistress will think if we force your orgasms,” Emily teased… She enjoyed tormenting me as she unfastened the last few clothespins… and then everything went silent.

For I don’t know how long, there was only darkness, constriction and heat.

Eventually, Emily and Sam came back and untied me. They kept me hooded though as they fought to remove all the clingfilm and then the ropes, and my crotchrope, and then finally the hood was unfastened and I could see again. I was shaking by this time, and Emily and Sam had to guide me down onto the floor before they could remove my gag.

Now I got a drink – by God, I needed one… I got handed my cellphone so I could check in with my husband for a while. I really wanted to rip the damn corset off… I was so hot and sweaty, but oh my God was I horny… nervous though… I’d meant to check with Mistress if I’d be allowed to cum this weekend, but with hers and my real lives, I’d not had a chance to… But it was done, and there was nothing I could do now.

After being allowed to rest, Emily eventually came up to me to bring me downstairs for dinner. She and Sam had cooked. Only one small problem… I’d have to be tied up again!!


Kink Talk Prodigy
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  • Submissive
Apr 15, 2011
Hey guys,

Sorry it's been a while since I last updated here. It's been a little difficult to get into the mindset since what happened, but I don't want to let it beat me, and I like reliving the things I've done by telling you guys about them, so here's a little more from my Saturday with Emily (and Sam)...

So Emily took me downstairs to her dining room where we found Sam writhing, blindfolded, ring-gagged and already tied to one of the chairs; her legs had been spread, kept apart by the seat base and her ankles were tied to the front legs of the chair, while her wrists and her elbows were cinched together and fixed to the chair back. I thought that I would be made to sit opposite her, but no, Emily led me over to and had me kneel behind Emily’s chair with my back to it. She had me back right up to it so that my legs would go underneath and then she took my right arm and tied it first by the wrist to the chair leg and then by the elbow to the frame of the chair back. Then she secured my left arm in the same way before tying my ankles to the same front legs of the chair that Sam’s ankles were fixed to, forcing me to kneel with my legs spread.

I was pretty sure that, of the two of us, I got the most uncomfortable position, and as things would progress I realized that would be Emily’s deliberate theme. Emily blindfolded me and then ordered me to open up and I felt her forcing a second ring gag into my mouth.

“Are you ladies ready for another competition,” Emily asked and we both moaned in affirmation. “Well, you saw earlier that there’s only one guest bed, so that’s what you’re playing for. Don’t worry though. I have a drawer under my bed for the loser.”

The ladies had cooked a curry. Actually, as Sam confessed to me a week or so later, they actually cooked two. Guess who got the hotter one? Oh… and Sam got a drink after each spoonful too

The competition was pretty simple; Emily would take turns at feeding us curry, rice or a mix of both and the one that made the least mess would be the winner, unless one of us gave up.

I’d already had enough heat in my mouth today; the curry quickly became unbearable but I didn’t want to give up. Surely Sam would be struggling as much as I was (nope)? Trying to eat with a ring gag holding my mouth open, preventing me from using my teeth made eating (and not losing food from my mouth) very difficult and both Sam and I were making some ridiculous noises while Emily teased and taunted us both.

I tried, I honestly did, but the burning in my mouth was intense, I was sweating again and my nose was running… I had to admit defeat

Emily gleefully announced Sam as the winner and kept us both there with (I thought) both our mouths burning, and covered in what had spilled out of our mouths while she leisurely enjoyed her own dinner. Sam got untied first and once again I got to watch her enjoy a soothing drink which I would be denied… then the two of them untied me and Emily took us back upstairs to the spare room for some more fun with the upturned bed frame. She had Sam bind my wrists together behind me to one side of the frame, then she tied Sam in the same way to the opposite side so that we were both inside the bed frame face to face.

She took one of her many lengths of rope and hung it around Sam’s neck, then tied one side of the rope around her right breast and the other around her left, looping the rope around and around the base of her curves before tying the rope off between them, effectively binding them together. Then she came and did the same to me, binding me just as tightly so both our breasts were bulging and lifted slightly by the tight hold of the rope. She looped another length of rope around the footboard of the bed frame which was over our heads, then pulled one end of the rope between Sam’s breasts, the other through mine. Then she pulled them back upwards, making it pull both of us up onto our tiptoes and tied it off. So now we effectively had our boobs tied to the others; every movement she made had an effect on the strain on me, and I’m sure Sam could feel my own struggling just as keenly.

Sam got to watch Emily crotchroping me to the bedframe behind me so I couldn’t move forwards to ease the pressure before she got the same treatment.

“What say the loser of this round gets to welcome Thomas home,” Emily asked us. “Poor Thomas, sleeping on the couch tonight so you ladies can stay.” She went on to say she’d checked with both our husbands, who were happy with it if we were, and we both knew what that meant.

Sam was happy to go for it, so I agreed too. Emily seemed delighted as she picked up the wand vibrator she’d had Sam use on me earlier.

Oh my God… oh God no… “It’s real simple,” Emily told us. “The girl that cums fastest loses.” Then she set the stopwatch on her phone and started off vibrating Sam, telling us that “<Miss Kubo’s> already had one orgasm today.”

Oh my God but was it sexy watching Emily using that vibrator on Sam and Sam writhing herself against it, even though her movements were making her tug on the ropes holding our breasts… To be honest, I didn’t even mind that… I was just so nervous about how horny the whole thing was making me… I was nervous about having to suck Thomas’ dick, I’ve done it before but always with my husband nearby, usually behind me fucking me while I did it. But I was more nervous about cumming again, since I’d not managed to seek Mistress’ permission… How many unauthorised orgasms would they give me? Oh my God…

Sam had no such worries… she was writhing and moaning and really enjoying the vibrator, Emily was teasing her and they were both laughing as Emily worked her closer, closer, until…

It had taken just over seven and a half minutes, I can’t remember exactly now, but nearly eight minutes I’d have to hold on. With my pussy dripping. Clit throbbing.

Somehow I managed to withstand Emily’s skillful teasing for 6 minutes... so Emily decided to cheat and paused the timer! I moaned my protests, but Emily and Sam just laughed as she held the wand firmly against me. Somehow, I still managed to hold on, but it was taking every ounce of my concentration and self-control… I have no idea how long they tormented me like that, but Emily must have thought she’d pushed me far enough when, finally, she started the clock again.

Oh my God!!! I tried to think about how much I didn’t want to suck Thomas’ dick, but actually in the state of mind they’d gotten me in, that didn’t help!

So I tried to think how much Mistress and Miss Purrfect might punish me if I cum again… Damn it, that was no good either.

Oh, FUCK!!!

I’m squirming frantically, trying to escape the vibe, but I can’t, so I’m trying to use the bondage to make myself as uncomfortable as possible… shit, even that just makes me more aroused… My eyes were starting to sting, but I didn’t want to give Emily the satisfaction of tears…

Finally, concentrating on that helped me claw back some self-control, and not a second too soon! After what felt like forever, Emily moaned in defeat, forced to acknowledge that I’d officially outlasted Sam… and took the vibrator away, leaving me incredibly aroused, frustrated and helpless. I cried out in dismay, amusing Emily and Sam who laughed at my cruelest of denials, but otherwise I’d now be ignored as Sam was untied to be taken downstairs to be retied and await Thomas’ return... Her release eased the upwards pressure on my own boobs allowing me to gratefully sink back onto my feet… for about a minute, before Emily pulled the rope tight again and fixed me in place there alone, back on tiptoes, crotchroped to the bedframe.

I tried to stimulate myself against the rope, but it was too tight and being up on tiptoes too uncomfortable…

I didn’t get to see what happened with Emily, Sam and Thomas. I heard excited voices and moans of pleasure, but I only have the story secondhand from Sam about how she was tied on her knees with her thighs tied to her ankles and her wrists bound behind her in the garage to await Thomas’ return, lit up by the headlights of his car when he pulled in to the garage where she waited for him helplessly, and where they kept the garage door open while Emily “helped” her pleasure him with her mouth.

Only got to taste Thomas’ orgasm secondhand after Sam was tied spreadeagle for the night to the small bedroom futon when I was eventually released from my partial breast suspension and after Emily had made me eat her pussy until she came before wanting to watch me make out with Sam.

When we’d been kissing for a while, Emily had me go down on Sam and give her an orgasm with my tongue before she was left for the night and I was hogtied and shut away in the drawer under Thomas and Emily’s bed while they fucked on top of it, completely unable to do anything about my hungry pussy which was still desperately yearning for attention having survived the vibrator...


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
Hello everyone. Thanks to everyone who has followed and encouraged my journey through this strangest of years, and to everyone who's been messaging me asking if I'm okay. Sorry I've not been updating much for a while.

There's a whole lot been going on and I am working on filling you in soon, but for now I'm going to update you on where I'm currently at and why I've just lost most of my clothes.

It's kind of a long story... It started in June or July I think...? I needed to try and earn enough orgasms for Mistress' other submissive (the one who, at the time, had only been allowed two orgasms in six years), and some for my husband's birthday weekend (although that went to shit when my drink got spiked 😠) so Mistress came up with the idea of two pounds of clothing being worth one orgasm... But I have so many clothes that she decided my first 20 pounds were just a trial run 😯

So pretty much my entire winter wardrobe, slightly over 40 pounds of clothing, has been zipped in a large suitcase in the attic since then. Enough to earn one orgasm for Mistress' other girl and three orgasms for me 🔥

Not such a big deal back then, but since October I've been feeling it. So Mistress determined that I'd need to endure 40 ruined orgasms and get down to my next weight loss target (I'm going to keep the exact number to myself 😳), as well as growing the hair on one leg, the opposite armpit and heart-shaped pubic hair, to earn them back (which I still need to figure out dying pink).

BUT if either of us orgasmed before then, I would be forced to cope with three outfits at a time!!!

It's been slow going since then... The hair I can't wait to wax off, I have 27 ruined orgasms left and each one sends a vicious painful chill throughout my whole body 😵😭...

But we're both desperate now to cum.

At the beginning of December, we devised an advent calendar game so that one of us could win a very Merry Christmas 🥰🎄

So each day one of us would flip a coin: heads, Mistress opens the calendar, tails I open it. There are 12 nice tasks and 12 "naughty" tasks, half of which are for the person opening the calendar and half of which would be for the other. On Christmas Day, whoever has completed most tasks wins the orgasm. BUT if I haven't completed all of my ruins, then Mistress wins by default 😵

That worked well for the first week but then the website where I made the calendar went offline 😭😠


Kink Talk Prodigy
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Apr 15, 2011
So this week we've been taking turns flipping our coins and using wheeldecide.com to allocate the remaining tasks.

The tasks in question:

Nice Self:

Edge/s (roll a die)
Vibrator play
Have partner lick chocolate off you
Partner gives you oral
Spend evening dressed sexy
Use a toy in the bath or shower

Nice Other:

They have to give partner oral
Make their partner cum in the shower
Lick chocolate off your partner
Masturbate your partner somewhere naughty
Give your partner a massage
Partner gets to dress them up for the evening

Naughty Self:

Striptease for your partner
Edge/s somewhere outside of home
Watch a naughty video somewhere outside of home
Strip and use vibe in a public restroom or changing room
Find something to use as a dildo and edge with it
Roll a die and grind against that number of items of furniture

Naughty Other:

They have to go outdoors, strip, edge, dress and go back inside
They have to use a vibe in the car to edge
They have to wear their embarrassing underwear
They have to masturbate, performing for their partner
They have to go shopping without panties
Their partner dresses them for the day

You may remember earlier in the year, my husband "awarded" me orgasms each week for the kinky things Mistress suggested I do for him, and for being a "good girl" which I then gambled on a wheel: there was one spot for me, two spots for Mistress' other girl, three spots for Mistress' partner and four spots each for Mistress and Miss Purrfect who liked the idea of stealing my orgasms. Most of those orgasms got assigned and Mistress' partner won most of them (hence why I ended up having to sacrifice my clothing to make up the 10 orgasms needed for Mistress' other girl to get one).

But there were 10 left that Mistress never assigned.

Mistress was very generous in forgoing her own orgasms while I had such a hard path ahead of me to earn my clothes back, but now she is understandably getting very horny and very impatient to cum, so while we were assigning tasks, Mistress wanted to risk gambling those 10 orgasms, kind of like casino chips: we'd both roll a die, if she won she'd get to cum, if I won, that orgasm was lost forever... No orgasms for me 😢

But if she won, then that meant... My clothes... Well, Mistress still liked that as a risk, but not to be definite, so came up with the idea that I'd have to roll the die again. She'd select one 'poisoned' number that meant I'd lose my clothes. Any other number, and it would be a spin of my forfeit wheel.

So over the week, Mistress has gambled three times and lost three times... But today her luck turned and mine ran out 🥺


Kink Talk Prodigy
  • Bisexual
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  • Submissive
Apr 15, 2011
My husband (obviously) gets to pick two of my outfits... Today he decided to put me in my playsuit... in December... in the UK. He originally was going to make me wear it over a bodystocking but in the end he relented and let me wear it with pantyhose. First time I've worn hose since about May? I got a jacket most of the day, but I still felt pretty slutty when I had to wash his car at the gas station jet wash...

Tomorrow, I don't even get proper underwear. He bought me a peephole bra a while ago and crotchless panties to go with it. I hope he lets me wear my sweater dress because I really don't wanna wear those under the pink leapord miniskirt he got me to meet Emily in 😦

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