Blackmail roleplay story


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Jul 12, 2011
Kicker began diging around the van for an extra set of keys. Sapphire he new was always prepaired for every situation. "We need to take these two back to my house! I have a well equiped dungeon that will certainly entertain us all"


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Feb 11, 2012
Angel is now lay still, silent, listening to the conversation. Of course she desperately wants to struggle and get away, but even if it was possible to escape her bonds, with the group around her she wouldn't get very far and she would most likely cut her stomach and thighs up more that the gravel currently is. Of course she wants to complain, but thats impossible with the gag her words would be nothing more than ineligble murmers. Of course she wants to stop what will happen to her... or does she? her pussy is dripping and shes dreamed of such a thing happening to her for so long that she surely want's this. So patiently she waits for whats next.


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Mar 8, 2012
Jay sees no choice but to wait and see what is going to happen next. He is undesided if he wants this or not but everytime he thinks about the possiblities of the situation both him and Angel are in he starts to get hard only to have the feeling crushed by the reminder given by the evil chasity device he has found himself in.


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Jul 12, 2011
Kicker opened the glove box to find an extra set of keys. Jumping in the drivers seat he said, "lets take these two to my house. I have a proper place to secure these two so they wont escape."

bad slave

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Nov 6, 2011
Bad dragged Jay into the van, then jumped in herself like a flash - she was looking forward to visiting Kicker's dungeon. She had heard about it in the community. She looked around, not sure why Archie was taking his time, why he seemed reluctant to drag Angel into the van and jump in himself. Could he have a soft spot for Angel, she was pretty, and innocent looking too, her name suited her.


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Jul 12, 2011
Once everyone was loaded in the van, kicker began driving to his house. Upon arival, kicker lead everyone into the house.
Let take these two to the dungeon."
Once downstairs, kicker led Jay to a chair with a large black dildo secured to the seat.
"Have a seat Jay," kicker said.

bad slave

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Nov 6, 2011
Bad looked around the room for something suitable for the hog tied Angel. The choice was amazing. Bad could not choose. "
What shall we do with this one?" she asked Kicker.


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Apr 24, 2010
Archie looked around as everyone disappeared in to the house. This wasn't what was supposed to be going on, kicker was beginning to annoy him, as he always had done, this was supposed to be about Jay not Angel. He needed something from his flat if they were to get out of this, so he turned and walked down the road, his keys already in his hand. Angel would be fine for now she could handle most things as he already knew. Sapphire he was annoyed at for disappearing. Jay he wasn't sure about and Bad for all her faults he had heard enough about to know that she had an off switch but Kicker he knew didn't possess one. Archie walked through the door of his flat and found exactly what he needed and then he made a phone call.... Kickers voice answered. All Archie siad was - 'it's time' and then hung up.

Memories for Life

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Jul 15, 2011
The Dark figure was at the ready, always vigilant, always prepared. It had been a week since the last time his phone rang requiring a "solution" only he could provide. Payment was simple: once the "task" was complete, the Dark figure could "retrieve" any item he wished and use it in any manner he wished as long as it was "released" back to the caller by noon on the 7th day.

The last "item" was fresh and virgin but it was delivered overused and "experienced" like all the other "selections". Days would pass as they recovered from their ordeal but most would return to the Dark figure pleading for another "treatment" in exchange for their servitude in providing for the Dark figure's every need.

As the digital handset played "Tubular Bells" signalling an incoming call, the Dark figure calmly looked at the caller's name "Archie" displayed on the screen.


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Jul 12, 2011
After the phone call, Kicker looked around and noticed that Archie was gone. He thought to himself," How could I be so careless?"

He had everyone in his grasp and was compleatly in controll. Well he had no choice but to continue. He did not lead on to Bad the pr rd predicament he now found himself in.

"Bad" he said. Now that we have these two secue, why not go get a couple pints and discuss what we will do next. After that, maybe I will work your pussu like it should be used.


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Jul 12, 2011
Kicker and Bad finished the job of securing Angel and Jay. They could not go any where The two proceded to head to the pub to have a few Pints of beer. All along, kicker kept telling Bad that Archie was tired and went home to bed.

Nervously, Kicker ordered a couple pints for him and Bad and asked" what do we want to do with these two? I think it would be a good idea to move them to a differant location tonight!


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Mar 8, 2012
Jay sat in the chair as dirrected but tried to us the strength in his legs to keep himself from sitting all the way down onto the dildo protruding from the seat. However, Kicker bound him to it forcing the hugh dildo up Jay's ass. Jay thought, 'Now, I know how that pig feels when the spit it for smoking.' His ass was on fire as he watched them secure Angel then leave the room.

Once alone Jay, looked arround the room seeing many devices some of which he could identify the purpose of and other he had no idea what the possible uses for them could be. Jay noticed that Archie was missing from the action during while Kicker and Bad secured himself and Angel. Jay wondered where Archie could have gotten off too and what that would mean for Angel and himself. He was sure it wouldnt be good for either of them.

bad slave

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Nov 6, 2011
Bad didn't believe Kicker when he kept telling her that Archie had gone home. Bad had learnt a long time that men could not be trusted. When it came to sexual matters, they were only capable of thinking with their dicks. No man Bad had ever met was ever to tired to abuse a slave - yet here were two of them to be enjoyed.

Bad wondered where Archie really was, and what the guys were up to. She wondered how she could get to the truth of what was going on.


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Mar 8, 2012
Jay sat uncomfortabily in the chair with a dildo up his ass and wondered where everyone had gotten all he could see was Angel tied tightly and secured in the corner. There was no sounds of anyone up stairs or other wise in the house. Jay started trying to work the bindings free in an attempt to get himself and Angel out of the danger they now found themselves in. The bindings were starting to lossen slightly but each movement caused more pain in in invaded ass. Several times he had to stop to calm the pain as much as possible. Jay knew that if he should manage to get out the pictures would be made public but at this point he was more worried about Angel's safety than his own carreer.

Jay kept an ear out for any sounds that someone had arrived back at the house. So far, all was quite upstairs and there was no indication that anyone was about.


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Jul 12, 2011
Kicker was very nervous and tried not to show it to Bad.
" Come, lets go he said. We need to get back to our new slaves"
Kicker needed to get back before Archie. He was afraid that he would release them. After all, they only begun to have fun with these two.
Kicker and Bad got back to the house in no time, seeings how the pub was right around the corner from his house.
Kicker immediatly ran to the Basment to see if the two were still there.
" Thank God, he thought to himself as he still saw Jay and Angel tied.
He moved over to Angel and Asked her, "do you have anything to say""
Angel staired at him. Kicker realised the gag was still in her mouth.
Reaching over to her, he released the gag and asked again.
"Do you have anything to say"?
Kicker did not notice thay Jay had been working his constraints lose and quietly waited for Angels response.


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Mar 8, 2012
Hearing the frantic foot falls on the floor above Jay judged that something was wrong. He heard Kicker throw open the door to teh basement and at the same time he stopped his attempts to get the restraints loose and hope that Kicker or Bad wouldn't notice how much looser the restraints were. He managed to get them loosened a lot but not enough to get free in the time they were gone. Now that they had returned Jay was determined to not show any signs that he had attempted to get out of the restraints so he say still and looked as defeated as possible.

Jay was relieved that Kicker first went to check on Angel. This would give him enough time to possition himself in the same exact possition he was in when they originally left. However, Jay knew Bad wouldn't be far behind Kicker so he did this as quickly as possible with out attracking Kicker's attention. Jay managed to get himself in the same basic possition before anyone else came down the stairs.

bad slave

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Nov 6, 2011
Bad walked over to Jay, noticing that he had managed to loosen his restraints. She kicked him in the balls, trying to make sure that her stilleto heels dug into his balls. She wanted him to know that she had annoyed her.
"Stupid Sod, did you really think you could escape". She tightened the rope again, making it tigher than before. Trying to hurt Jay as much as possible. Bad had learnt not to trust men. Once nicely secure, Bad started to kick Jay again and again, wondering how long it would be before he cried with pain and begged her to stop.


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Mar 8, 2012
When the first Kick landed on Jay's balls and the heel dug in he was sure something would his nuts would pop. He cried out in pain! but the sound was incoerrent as his head swam with the pain and his focus an anything but the pain subsided.

The pain caused Jay to dry heave which made him glad that he hadn't eaten anything since lunch earlier in the day. He was sure that if he had vomited on Bad she would have kicked even harder and more; as it was he was sure she would continue to kick his balls till they were mashed into pulp. He tried to formulate the words to beg her to stop, but all he could manage to get out was the crys of pain and a non-understandable gurgled "P....le.....ase.... s....t.op, i a.....m s...o...rrry."

when his head cleared from the pain in his balls he as sure he would be cut in half but the tightened ropes.


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Feb 11, 2012
Angel couldn’t see the person but she was sure it was kicker. She wasn’t sure if there was something she was supposed to say, she tried to think but nothing sprung to mind so she weakly replied “I’m sorry, please I . . . I’m sorry”


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Jul 12, 2011
"That is all you have to say bitch" Kicker replied.
"How about a thank you for taking the gag out of your mouth. After all, the only reason I took it out is so me and bad can use that sweet mouth of yours"
Kicker removed the blindfold from Angel. He slowly walked to the other side of the room. Stopping and looking at a wall filed with all kinds of toys, he said, "what toy do you want to play with my dear Angel"?

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