Male Chastity Cocoon Design chastity belt

Agent Green

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May 6, 2008
A new promising chastity belt maker is emerging on the scene called Cocoon Design. They are based out of China and seem to be to chastity belts what DJI is to drones. The design seems to put even Neosteel to shame but only time will tell!

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Anyways, despite almost no info about them online I immediately ordered a measuring kit to eventually get the fanciest damn belt they sell. Is it an elaborate scam? Will this belt actually be more than a toy unlike the Fancy Steel and Behand Barz belts I own? Come on a damn journey with me! 😁

At the time they didn't have a website so I initially got in touch via their Twitter. After a short while a tiny package arrived with what has to be the best measuring kit anyone has ever made, cleverly wedged inside.

kit.jpg kit2.jpg

After getting the measuring kit just right I sent off my measurements and the Cocoon folks dropped off the map for a while, only to emerge again a few months ago to acknowledge the delay and ask if I wanted a refund (I did not). According to their Twitter they are moving to a new studio in the midst of doing this production run so I imagine it might be a bit longer before I get my hands on one. Fortunately I'm in no hurry.

That's where I currently am at. Hopefully I eventually get this thing. I'll post a detailed review when I do! Exciting to see a new manufacturer pop up with such a beautiful first belt.

Agent Green

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May 6, 2008
Hey all! After a very long wait I got the belt and have been wearing it now for about a week. It looks great and is very comfy!



I've only been wearing this 24/7 for a short period of time but have some early findings. I own a few other belts (Neosteel Fun, Behind Barz Complete System, and Fancy Steel ball cage belt) and I can already tell this is going to be my favorite.

The good:
  • Fit out of the box with very little bending better than any of my other belts (the measuring kit works!)
  • Security is very good, with some minor bends.
  • Extremely comfortable to sit for long periods of time
  • Invisible under tight jeans
  • Very easy to pee, even when partially hard (even easier than the Neosteel Fun and Behind Barz belts for me!)
  • They sell a little removable rubber stopper so you don't dribble :)
  • Cleaning often with a syringe via the front hole is easy and drains just like urine.
The meh:
  • Waist is not adjustable (it fits perfect but this is a nice-to-have feature)
  • Rear oval can rub when walking long distances (fine for work and around the house). So far I have solved this by using a little bit of White Vaseline, which I also use to slide my thing into the belt.
The bad:
  • The tube has hollow space above where the penis pushes down. Not normally an issue but if you just sort of jam your thing in and don't push it down, it can fill this void when it attempts to get hard and cause you some issues after extended wear. Wish there where bars or something so that the penis was forced down and out of this space.
I'll update this post after wearing the belt longer. It usually takes a lot longer to get used to 24/7 wear in a belt so I'll already super impressed.
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Jan 16, 2022
Good to see another player on the steel belt scene, and not just another eBay or similar - seller. I'm guessing you're in the US? How much did it cost? 6 months is a long wait, so it would want to be good! It's a pity that it's not adjustable in some way, but I suppose if the measurements are exact and you don't gain or loose weight in the waiting period then it should be ok. I'm guessing too that the tube is set for your length? It would be no good having a "one size fits all" tube. That doesn't work! Perhaps a new(ish) customer you can suggest some changes to the makers?

I'm also interested in how comfortable it is in the waist? It appears that it's just bare steel, which usually, from my experience, isn't comfortable against bare skin, especially at the edges of the belt.

I hope it works for you and that it's a reasonable price. 🙂

Best Wishes, Kink_T.

Agent Green

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May 6, 2008
Good to see another player on the steel belt scene, and not just another eBay or similar - seller. I'm guessing you're in the US? How much did it cost? 6 months is a long wait, so it would want to be good!
I'm in the US on the west coast. I found the creator on Twitter and DMed them in October of 2020 asking about buying one. This was before he was selling them in the US. So, it's been a long while but I also have odd circumstances. That said there was a lot of back and forth where I was often the one dragging my feet. There was also a measuring kit sent to me somewhere in that timeline which is around when I made my first post here.

It's a pity that it's not adjustable in some way, but I suppose if the measurements are exact and you don't gain or loose weight in the waiting period then it should be ok.
Yea, curious to see how it works out longer term. The measuring kit was quite elaborate (have a photo in my first post) so it definitely fits me perfect as I am today. Hoping that because this fits around the waist it won't be too weight sensitive.

I'm guessing too that the tube is set for your length? It would be no good having a "one size fits all" tube.
The tube is one-size-fits-all. Despite that it actually fits better than my Neosteel Fun, which is sized exactly for my member and was measured many times for accuracy. I'm judging fit here by my ability to pee and the belt's ability to keep me from getting big. Behind Barz is somewhat similar in that they only offer three tube sizes. I'm a little larger than average and find this tube to be super comfortable but don't know how others might fare. My only complaint is the weird empty space in the top of the tube that I'm terrified of kinking my penis into.

I'm also interested in how comfortable it is in the waist? It appears that it's just bare steel, which usually, from my experience, isn't comfortable against bare skin, especially at the edges of the belt.
Yea, just bare steel. I have two other belts that are bare steel on the hipbands (Neosteel & Behind Barz ) so this style does not really bother me. My least favorite belt, my Fancy Steel actually has a waistband and I just find it annoying. It generally just takes some time for your body to adjust to the steel and the skin to get a little thicker. I use a tiny bit of White Vaseline under the band to keep it from sticking to my skin.

I'll keep reporting back as I wear this longer. It's still really early to make any judgements yet but so far I'm loving the comfort.
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Jun 27, 2022
Hi, half a year has passed since your last entry on ace. How do you like the belt today? What is the quality and does it not feel uncomfortable on the testicles when they protrude so laterally? Best greetings from Germany.

Agent Green

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May 6, 2008
Hi, half a year has passed since your last entry on ace. How do you like the belt today? What is the quality and does it not feel uncomfortable on the testicles when they protrude so laterally? Best greetings from Germany.
Hey Tomjag!

I'm still wearing the belt and enjoy it very much. No discomfort to the testicles at all from daily use.

Quality is still top notch. No wear and tear or rusting. Materials are the real deal. Only minor scuffs but nothing major.

My only real complaint would still have to be the rear opening. It's quite fine for a day of normal office work and driving around but is unacceptable for hiking or any sort of prolonged physical activity as it will start to cause chafing of the skin, even with white vaseline applied daily. To me this is a fair compromise. I spend some of my supervised time in a Holy Trainer nano and use this when I need to be more physical or go out on an adventure.

If I could change anything it would be to add different rear options like a center cable or side chains. Additionally I would eliminate the hollow space inside the belt above where the tube curves down. I unknowingly had my member pinched in there my first time seriously wearing the belt and it caused a nasty looking red bruise at the base of my penis so bad my KH said I could never wear the belt again (I convinced her otherwise thankfully). That said, it has not occurred again as I check it constantly now. I'm extra careful to make sure it does not get pinched there and cram my fingers in from my belly to make sure that my member is fully going down. Would like to live without that paranoia but the comfort of this belt more than makes up for it.

Peeing is still very easy but I've had a handful of experiences where I got hard in the tube at night and had to calm down a bit to pee. Have had this problem in all belts but the least in this one. So, peeing is not perfect but the best of other belts.

Still highly recommend the belt over the Behind Barz, Fancy Steel, or Neosteel Fun that I own. Would caution folks about buying at this time though as belts seem to take a year or so to deliver. Not sure what is going on with the seller but really hope they are able to get their stuff together because this is the best chastity product out there and it's a shame that manufacturing moves at a snails pace. Sounds like stuff is crazy in China at the moment so maybe it is related. Have not heard of anyone getting ripped off but the slow delivery pace and communication is a little worrying.
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Jun 27, 2022
Dear Agent Green,

thank you very much for your detailed answer. Unfortunately, I'm only now getting around to answering you.

In fact, there is absolutely nothing happening with the Chinese manufacturer, as you can see on their website. At least they seem to be so honest and don't offer anything that they won't manufacture or supply then.

My mistress really wants me to get away from these penis cages because in my experience you can break out of all of them or else they are so tight that they cause pain. The first makes it pointless to wear them, the other impossible in the long run.

That's why my mistress prefers a real belt, but one that should work as well as possible for all wearing options. She doesn't care about the high purchase price. She becomes more and more impatient and thinks about whether we should buy another belt instead of the Cocoon belt. Unfortunately, because purely visually I like this one by far the best. Since I have so far always worn only cages, my concerns are just also the wearing comfort, invisibility and daily usability. That with the rear opening actually makes me a little worried, although I can not really imagine that with a chain unfortunately also...

You say you also own a Neosteel Fun. The company is located less than a hundred kilometers from me. If you would give the Cocoon a 10 as a grade, how would you rank the other belts - especially the Neosteel Fun? I'd be interested in your assessment of comfort, quality, and breakout resistance. Would you like to help me there and give a small assessment of the three points?

Do you wear your belt 24/7 if you only plan to do normal activities?

Oh yes, what I wanted to ask you: what did the Cocoon belt cost you in the end? Do you have an address of Cocoondesign? Unfortunately they do not respond to emails.

I greet you

Agent Green

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May 6, 2008
Dear Agent Green,

thank you very much for your detailed answer. Unfortunately, I'm only now getting around to answering you.

In fact, there is absolutely nothing happening with the Chinese manufacturer, as you can see on their website. At least they seem to be so honest and don't offer anything that they won't manufacture or supply then.

My mistress really wants me to get away from these penis cages because in my experience you can break out of all of them or else they are so tight that they cause pain. The first makes it pointless to wear them, the other impossible in the long run.

That's why my mistress prefers a real belt, but one that should work as well as possible for all wearing options. She doesn't care about the high purchase price. She becomes more and more impatient and thinks about whether we should buy another belt instead of the Cocoon belt. Unfortunately, because purely visually I like this one by far the best. Since I have so far always worn only cages, my concerns are just also the wearing comfort, invisibility and daily usability. That with the rear opening actually makes me a little worried, although I can not really imagine that with a chain unfortunately also...

You say you also own a Neosteel Fun. The company is located less than a hundred kilometers from me. If you would give the Cocoon a 10 as a grade, how would you rank the other belts - especially the Neosteel Fun? I'd be interested in your assessment of comfort, quality, and breakout resistance. Would you like to help me there and give a small assessment of the three points?

Do you wear your belt 24/7 if you only plan to do normal activities?

Oh yes, what I wanted to ask you: what did the Cocoon belt cost you in the end? Do you have an address of Cocoondesign? Unfortunately they do not respond to emails.

I greet you
Hey! Sorry about the very late reply. I have not logged in for a while and just saw this.

I would rate the belts I own as follows:
Cocoon: 8/10 (points deducted for not having a cable version, becomes uncomfortable when walking long distances)
Neosteel Fun: 5/10 (points deducted for not being ergonomic while sitting, requiring lots of constant bending)
Behind Barz: 5/10 (points deducted for being impossible to pee in)
Fancy Steel: 3/10 (point deducted for being entirely impractical, not a 24/7 device but a costume piece)

The Cocoon is very ergonomic and fit like a glove out of the box thanks to the awesome measuring kit. I have a few complaints with it but 24/7 wear is possible. I'm still regularly locked and can easily go 2 weeks between unlocks with careful cleaning via a syringe. The Neosteel is very comfortable standing and walking but was very hard to sit for long periods in. I tried all sorts of bending but gave up as I would keep getting bruised or chafed while sitting, meaning I would then have to stop wearing for a month each time to heal.

If you are nearby Neosteel you may just want to get measured in person. I think mine fits well but maybe having it done in person would solve the issues I have. The truth about Cocoon is that the owner is super non-responsive. It's an amazing belt if you can figure out a way to get it. I have been able to contact them in the past directly via Twitter DM but my order took forever and they disappeared a few times during it.

I know you want an easy answer but I think finding the perfect belt requires a lot of time and patience. I also do not believe there is a perfect belt for everyone. All the belts I've bought have been very nice but failed for various reasons.

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