Kinky Kwizzles

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Just about to leave for work but will throw out some thoughts on this;
Scale, weigh, balance, suspend(ed), (red pill blue pill? lol) - note, crotchet, quarter note, music - hook, point, catch

Don't know, suspended crotch hook? lol...


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Apr 13, 2016
some words that come to my mind wrt kink are (leaving out the ones already mentioned above)
1st pic - balls, boobs, weight/s, light, heavy
2nd pic - low, key, beat
3rd pic - suspension, hung, bondage

are we looking for a single word or more?
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
My musical knowledge isnt huge but I think I'm right when I say a single note is a tone? I'm also tending think the scales may be something like weight but as wait maybe? The fish hook is what is commonly called a J hook, kind of obviously so that leaves us with wait-tone-j ... lol had kind of odd day today ... Of course the j hook also has a point and a barb but I don't think that helps either... more thought required


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Nov 22, 2015
It's one single word consisting of three syllables.

A few clues to help you on your search:

For the first picture, you are along the right lines with weight.

For the second picture (sorry this is quite a difficult one, me being the music geek that I am) you are close with crotchet, but look at different ways of expressing the value.

For the last picture, think more about what you might put on the hook.
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Apr 13, 2016
I'll just try my luck and make the obvious


with the second pic representing turn - a turn is a specific pattern that is played by first playing the note above the one that is written, then the written note, a note below the written note, then the written note again.
though the symbol above the note isn't there in the pic

but can't think of anything else kinky starting with mass and ending with bait

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Guess we'll have to wait for J91 to adjudicate!

Meantime this is one word in three parts,

1A.jpg ........85=55=?....... 1B.jpg

Oh and the dots are not part of the puzzle simply there to give some space to the numbers in the middle
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Nov 22, 2015
Yes it's masturbate well done!

The second picture is a crotchet (one beat) and it is referred to as 'ta' in the Kodaly music method for counting :)
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Yes it's masturbate well done!

The second picture is a crotchet (one beat) and it is referred to as 'ta' in the Kodaly music method for counting :)
Forgive what may be an ignorant question but isn't it only one beat in 4/4 time? I really have no idea, I just thought that since its a quarter note? I have never heard of Kodaly either, very interesting, I have seen several different concepts for notation including the digital composing formats and its seem very hard to keep pace with!
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Apr 13, 2016
Forgive what may be an ignorant question but isn't it only one beat in 4/4 time? I really have no idea, I just thought that since its a quarter note? I have never heard of Kodaly either, very interesting, I have seen several different concepts for notation including the digital composing formats and its seem very hard to keep pace with!
I can read musical notation but I have never heard of Kodaly either. Anyways, nice one J91
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Nov 22, 2015
Kind of. The name quarter note comes from the fact that it is quarter of a semibreve (4 beats) which is also known as a 'whole' note. We tend to not use those terms here in the UK because they're not as clear cut! The 4/4 means 4 crotchet beats in a bar, because the 4 underneath means you're counting in crotchets, so it's essentially 4 lots of 4. I'm not sure if that makes sense...!

I can't see the little thing in the middle of the first pic. Is it significant or is it more of a dot?


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Nov 22, 2015
So some initial thoughts:

First picture: dot, speck, spot
Second: 25, sequence, order
Third: it's come out a bit blurry so I'm not sure what is actually touching her...grab, grasp, fondle, shock

Hmmm...can't put anything together just yet

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Thanks for the little music lesson, lol still seems a bit arcane to me for some reason but then I figure the best part about music is you dont have to understand it to enjoy it!
As for the thing in the first pic, it is just a single pixel or two, and no its not "pixel" lol...
I was trying for something more difficult in this one so don't want to give too much away with clues until its been mulled over a bit.


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Apr 13, 2016
Forgive what may be an ignorant question but isn't it only one beat in 4/4 time?
What J91 explained about 4/4 time is accurate:). Further (to the best of my understanding and I could be the quarter note also represents one beat in 3/4 time signature and also in all songs where the denominator (note value) is 4 (semibreve meter). Below is a 3/4 time signature song. Notice 3 and 4 next to the treble clef in the beginning of the staff, the denominator 4 represents the note value (i.e. quarter note in this case as 4 quarters make a whole) and the numerator 3 indicates how many of that particular note value (which is quarter note in this case) are needed to fill a measure/bar thus 3 quarter notes in a bar/measure and each quarter note representing a beat. So yes a whole note (4 quarter notes) doesn't fit in a bar nevertheless each quarter note represents one beat


However if the denominator changes like in 2/2 (alla breve meter) then the note value is half note per beat and two half notes in a bar thus the quarter note will last half a beat. So such songs are much faster than 4/4 like military drills etc

Coming to the puzzle my first thoughts

pic 1 - red dot/ bulls eye/ laser/ unity
the numbers - could be pattern like J91 said so if next no. is 25 then quarter etc, however my pervy mind is thinking if its body/figure measure in cm in which case the person is probably very thin/anorexic
pic 2 - hentai/nipples/flogged/pain

this is leading me nowhere but thought will post it if it helps solve collectively
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
What J91 explained about 4/4 time is accurate:). Further (to the best of my understanding and I could be the quarter note also represents one beat in 3/4 time signature and also in all songs where the denominator (note value) is 4 (semibreve meter). Below is a 3/4 time signature song. Notice 3 and 4 next to the treble clef in the beginning of the staff, the denominator 4 represents the note value (i.e. quarter note in this case as 4 quarters make a whole) and the numerator 3 indicates how many of that particular note value (which is quarter note in this case) are needed to fill a measure/bar thus 3 quarter notes in a bar/measure and each quarter note representing a beat. So yes a whole note (4 quarter notes) doesn't fit in a bar nevertheless each quarter note represents one beat

However if the denominator changes like in 2/2 (alla breve meter) then the quarter note will last half a beat. So such songs are much faster than 4/4 like military drills etc

Coming to the puzzle my first thoughts

pic 1 - red dot/ bulls eye/ laser/ unity
the numbers - could be pattern like J91 said so if next no. is 25 then quarter etc, however my pervy mind is thinking if its body/figure measure in cm in which case the person is probably very thin/anorexic
pic 2 - hentai/nipples/flogged/pain

this is leading me nowhere but thought will post it if it helps solve collectively
Ok so this is where I get confused, if the signature is 2/2 and two crotchets are now equal to one beat then surely it means the crotchet is now a half beat and a minim is now equal to a beat? Gahhhhhh, I don;t get it???

Anyway I think a couple of clues may be required after all, J91 has mentioned the first pic correctly and while I stated that the dots around the numbers arent significant the = signs certainly are.


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Apr 13, 2016
Ok so this is where I get confused, if the signature is 2/2 and two crotchets are now equal to one beat then surely it means the crotchet is now a half beat and a minim is now equal to a beat? Gahhhhhh, I don;t get it???
Yes a minim is a beat now, the C on top (for Cut time) represents this 2/2 so it still looks like a 4/4 however one minim is sang/played in one beat so it is faster.. to the best of my

ok found something courtesy my OCD to stick to

forward to 11:29 timestamp in this video
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