machine spanking


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Jan 7, 2019
I love pain, but most of the time I lack a person able and willing to inflict some on me. So I had the idea to have a machine spanking me. Can anybody recommend a machine or (even better) simple intructions to build one on my own? Bonus points if the machine can be controlled by an Arduino.

The "results" the machine produces should be similar to a crop or cane. It should also include some provisions to prevent dodging.
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Wow, thats quite a brief! Arduino control makes sense but the engineering and mechanical aspects are huge.
One fairly simple one I saw once had modified an exercise bike by adding a number of flails to the wheel, of course it was more like a flogging machine than a caning device.
A good method for developing devices on this scale I have used in the past is to modify something that already exists, in this case I'm thinking look at all the various workout gear you can get. Exercise machines allow all kinds of options and save a lot of building and I often see them tossed out on verge collections etc.
Good luck with this idea, anyone seen anything along these lines?
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Apr 21, 2019
I've seen a BDSM DIY on this before.. I don't recall where, but will look for it. It involved a servo that drew back the 'paddle' and when it reached it's limit, released and swung to make contact with the rear.
I've been toying with building a control for other things but never gotten off the ground. Could be interesting.
provisions to prevent dodging - well, sky's the limit there! A basic bench/chair back/etc that you could bind yourself to comes first to mind, but you could still move that unless the mechanics were somehow attached to it so if you moved the bench, the rest would follow you?

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Sounds promising, I'd say a spring loaded cane or crop with a servo or actuator to draw it back then the arduino controller to randomise the release so you don't know when its coming? Using a spring system would allow fine adjustment of the impact strength that would be consistent and not over do it.
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Apr 13, 2016
Interesting thread, would love to know some solutions myself:)

I have used this DIY device [idea courtesy @droptokon's thread] on the pussy previously and it definitely gave me a stinging pain. I have extended this idea to using bigger power rubber bands around the body [like wear them] at various levels, even buttocks, and then pull them and release them for some level of involuntary sting. Of course this is not exactly an automatic spanker though or even mimics the spanking effect but does cause some seemingly semi-automated stinging


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Apr 21, 2019
I can build nearly anything involving the hardware itself, then could even share the designs, BUT lack the controller/automated portion programming...
Something would need to control a limit switch indicating it's ready to swing, a motor control/dimmer to control a servo of some sort to draw it back until it triggers the limit switch, then a relay to release whatever is being used to hold it in the 'away' position. From there, to automate based on time how frequently it releases and how many times.. Incorporate that with a release mechanism from whatever is used to 'prevent dodging'...
For me, a selfbondage 'platform' has been on my to-do/bucket list, ideally a chair that I can get into and the last part would be what keeps me from getting out, similar to this one but with say maglocks securing the wrist straps that either are automated in some way or simply on a timer. Since a relay is involved, "safety" can be added in the event of a smoke alarm going off triggering immediate release or a network-based trigger that someone else 'monitoring' could release... A 'sawhorse' or some sort of bench or even some variant of a stockade could also be fairly easily rigged up to have the same concept where the wrists are held in place. Anyway, building the bondage is easy with the right materials and creativity, just the controller portion would be a challenge.
I would love to build a few varieties of these concepts and with the help of some super-geeks to help build a 'kit' for the brains of the whole thing and be able to share this stuff around the world! I know there are plenty of folks here and everywhere that would enjoy it!


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Jan 7, 2019
I can try to help with the controller part. I already dabbled in Arduino programming and with enough time I could probably figure something out. That said electronics isn't actually a talent of mine.
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Apr 21, 2019
:) data-in/data-out. Mostly switches/relays of some sort, and sensors.. A simple concept is flip a light switch "on" and the light bulb gets power and lights up. Flip it off and the light goes off. Apply that to kinky devices and you get something on and off. Then think of a dimmer switch, it still does on and off, but also adds variable voltage levels so the bulb isn't just fully on or off, but somewhere in between. Apply that, and you could control the speed of a vibe, the stroke of a fucking machine or the intensity of an e-stim application. SO, the controller would need to apply power to a servo/motor to draw it back to it's limit (a limit switch or just held at its max capable draw/pull) and hold it there until the power is switched off, resulting in the swing of the spanking apparatus. The cycle would need to be set as well as how many times the cycle is repeated.
Arduino programming should be able to do the cycle part as well as tripping the relay to engage the servo
The rest is coming up with the hardware to use. A power supply, the servo, then how it attaches to things so it's not simply flopping around on the floor, then the 'device' that will be swinging and how it attaches to the servo, then as @droptokon pointed out, what causes the swing, like a spring.
I'm sure I could find some 'common gadgets' to start with, I would just need to know what 'gizmos' this Arduino involves and start putting something together :)


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Jan 7, 2019
I'm sure I could find some 'common gadgets' to start with, I would just need to know what 'gizmos' this Arduino involves and start putting something together :)
Sorry, I'm no native speaker. What do you mean with "gizmos?"
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May 7, 2019
Hi! I have 4 years of experience making diy gadgets. Also I'm an arduino programmer ^^.

Working on my own fucking machchine right now, posting pics once done.

If you need any help, I can show u a simple setup. (Also do some coding).

Feel free to msg me :)
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Something like this may make a good starting point. I developed this thing I call "the ladder" (for obvious reasons) as a universal caning, cropping, flogging, etc rack. It is very stable, can have attachment points for wrists and ankles at various spread distances as well as waist restraint to prevent wriggling out of aim. It is also possible to use it in reverse with victims front facing out if needed.
I found that secured like this, canted forward at 15deg makes movement more difficult as their weight is holding them in position. The open structure leaves plenty of room for dangling breasts (or penis) if included in play.
The construction is very simple using 35x70 timber and it folds up for easier storage. It is also very strong and solid so could easily support an attached self caning mechanism.
I only have this original sketchup drawing left but can very quickly redo with dimensions etc if anyone is interested.


  • ladder.jpg
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Had a quick play with an idea for a cane striking mechanism design, no where near complete but anyway something to work with.
Uses a heavy duty rubber band for the hit power and a DC worm drive actuator to draw the pull arm back. I added a slip cam to the end so when it reaches maximum pull it simply slips off to release the arm and the rubber band slaps the cane down. The actuator then fully extends slipping the cam back around the end of the pull arm ready for the next strike.
This could be easily bolted to the side of my ladder rig and positioned as needed for a good ass hit.
Add a nice little controller to adjust speed of reset and number of hits etc and it could be rather efficient, lol...

cam actuator arm.jpg


(。)(。) <Verified_Slut>
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Jun 25, 2015
This all looks very interesting and I am very intrigued...

However I do not have any knowledge that could potentially help anyone so feel a little useless...

So for that I will simply observe and see what comes of it, you never know... A plan might emerge that I and my partner are capable of building.
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Apr 21, 2019
DC worm drive actuator
Please elaborate? And what is the duty cycle of such device? Would seriously need to be rather high for some that enjoy this sort of thing a little to an excess.. know?

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Duty cycle would be fine however they are probably too slow in reality, I'm guessing on that length rod it might take it around 10-15 seconds to reset. Also cost and availability would be a problem, the ones I've used are over $300 in that size.
I'm now thinking a much simpler crank action with a reasonable motor (thinking re-purposed cheap cordless drill) would be way faster and about 1/10th the cost.
I'll post an updated design later.


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Apr 21, 2019
Duty cycle would be fine however they are probably too slow in reality, I'm guessing on that length rod it might take it around 10-15 seconds to reset. Also cost and availability would be a problem, the ones I've used are over $300 in that size.
I'm now thinking a much simpler crank action with a reasonable motor (thinking re-purposed cheap cordless drill) would be way faster and about 1/10th the cost.
I'll post an updated design later.
We need to keep this practical as far as materials... but they do have to last a long time, there's going to be a rather high demand for this creation.
NOTE: the draw to release needs to be random or the contact will be anticipated. 15 seconds isn't unreasonable, but 300 bones for this part alone isn't doable... Will be able to obtain many 'rotary drills' at the local repurposing and discount hardware vendors.. yep.
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Apr 27, 2017
This all looks very interesting and I am very intrigued...

However I do not have any knowledge that could potentially help anyone so feel a little useless...

So for that I will simply observe and see what comes of it, you never know... A plan might emerge that I and my partner are capable of building.
you can always come up with ideas or sketches.. and we can between us try and figure out the mechanics :p
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